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Bright groaned, he felt tap on his back. He woke up, looked up and saw one blurry face. His eyes eventually focused on the person it was his sister.

"Davi?" He sat up, he frowned. Davikah chuckled "Good afternoon nurse Bright, wake up and eat something" She walked away. Bright scratched his head in confusion, his memory flashed the scenes

Uh...uh huh... I'm cum.. Cumming

Cum for daddy

His eyes shot open, then looked down with wide eyes, his heart thumped hard against his ribs. He was fully clothed, a duvet was over his lower portion. He sighed in relief.

"I'LL KICK YOUR DAMN ASS IF YOU DON'T COME IN 10 SECS" Bright groaned at his sister's voice. He pushed the duvet aside, stood up and wobbled towards the dinning table.

At night, he called Win, the lad didn't answer. He sighed fidgeting on the bed. He remember the sofa scene, he closed his eyes, curled up more, only the sound of the ceiling fan was echoing around, he wasn't feeling sleepy as he slept for hours before. His phone buzzed under his palm, he lifted it up.


"Not sleeping?"

"How can I? You left without saying anything to me" Bright pouted. The other line chuckled

"Well, you were looking handsome, I didn't have the heart to wake you up"

"Don't I look handsome when I'm awake?"

"You look perfect in every way, god took his time to create you, you know"

Bright blushed, he hugged a pillow on his chest, biting his lips, having a smile tugged beneath his teeth.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking some emails, tomorrow the businessmen will come for a new project"

"Oh. All the best"

"Hm, can you pick me up tomorrow?"

"Yah why not. When?"

"I'll text you, once I'm done with my works"

"Works for me"

"What's with you? Answering normally, no sorry talking normally instead of throwing pick up lines at me? Done with me Or what?"

"Well throwing pick up lines isn't my style, using hands to pick you up is what I do"

"Umm.. Ok ok line"

"I'm thinking of taking a loan"

"Loan? Why?"

"Loan for my expenses"

"Huh? What expenses?"


"Excuse me?"

"My expenses are you my golden daddy"

"Oh my god, it was bad"

"Then let me apply my last option which you'll definitely like"

"And what it might be?"

"Our genetic modification system is good you know, it has a process called amplification, it means to make copies of strands, but you're too attached with my DNA strands that it only makes multiple copies of you in my body, how amazing na? Even the histone proteins which are wrapped by the DNA strands its you who wrapped your finger on me. Every time, you come in front of me, you get on my nerves, generate my action potential to kiss you right there not caring about the damn place we are in. Now talking about my hypothalamus, baby you know it's a total bastard it always signals the pituitary gland to release hormone whenever you talk to me, like right now, the hormone called glucagon, you're increasing my sugar level, I won't take insulin shots for that don't worry"

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