Chapter 1

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Hi Guys :) This is my first fanfic and I am very grateful for whoever is currently reading my fanfic right now.. Probably not a lot of people, but I am still glad that I can bring at least some of you joy when you read my fanfic. This story takes place after Stellarlune, so expect spoilers. I hope you enjoy ;)

Sophie felt sick. Her head felt like it might explode. She was currently waiting for the Neverseen to show up, a rebel group that nearly killed her and her friends for what seemed like a hundred time. They sent Sophie a letter yesterday that basically said, "Hi Sophie, come to Alluveterre tomorrow by yourself to have a 'talk'."


Sophie was panicked when she first saw the letter knowing that she had to come alone or there would be consequences. So she was left with no choice but to follow their instructions. She felt like the Neverseen had full control over her and her life. And she hated it. She felt like their puppet, unable to do anything but to let herself be controlled by the enemy and ruining all Black Swan's plans. So far, she hadn't made much progress, except for burning the Neverseen's storehouse, which she received a lot of hate because of it. At this point, she no longer had control of anything. She felt useless. That was the reason why she was here, waiting to see the enemy, trying to be the "leader" everyone wanted her to be. 

Or so she hoped. 

She had been waiting for so long that she had already pulled out 4 eyelashes, a nervous habit of hers that, for some reason, she could not stop doing. While she was ready to pull out her 5th eyebrow, she heard footsteps. 

Sophie looked up and saw three hooded figures in the distance. She tried hard to remain calm as she stared at the figure in the center, Lady Gisela. 

Lady Gisela gave her a sinister smile as she raised her arms up to her sides. "Ahh, our fearless Moonlark showed up!"

Sophie gritted her teeth as she said, "I guess you're back with the Neverseen then?"

Lady Gisela shrugged. "I created this organization in the first place. You shouldn't really be surprised ."

"So you guys just decided to forget about Vespera?" Sophie asked, looking at the other hooded figures that she assumed were Ruy and Trix. 

Vespera was one of the Neverseen leaders while Lady Gisela was temporarily out of the Neverseen. She ended up dying due to the weird starstone effect Lady Gisela had done to her. Meaning that Lady Gisela murdered Vespera. Sophie and her friends have never really thought about it as much as they were supposed to, but Lady Gisela actually killing someone was hard to process. 

Ruy snorted as if she was being ridiculous. "We never liked her anyway."

Before Sophie could respond, Lady Gisela said, "Okay, let's not get too off topic. Sophie, I suggested a meeting not to fight, but to simply talk."

Sophie wanted to tell her what actually happened the last time they "talked" but decided to be quiet. 

Lady Gisela continued. "Sophie, have you ever wondered why you are here? Right here, all alone in alluveterre with me, your enemy?"

"Because you wanted to 'talk,'" Sophie said, rolling her eyes. 

Lady Gisela smirked, showing how familiar she was with Keefe that made Sophie want to vomit. "Exactly, and why could you not just have declined my offer?" She paused for dramatic effect and added, "Admit it Sophie, you are powerless. You and your organization are no match for me. We are a hundred steps ahead of you. You can't even make decisions on your own in your rebel organization. So how are you going to defeat us?"

Sophie opened her mouth but could not form words because everything Lady Gisela had said was true. 

"You are their most important person. You are the face of the group! How come they hide everything from you? There are so many secrets inside that little brain of yours that you don't even know!"

"At least we aren't careless murderers!" Sophie said, her mind flashing to Vespera and Ethan Benedict Wright II. 

"You are weak. Guilt will shatter you in pieces if you do what I do. Trust me when I say that I murdrer because it is what you must do as a leader, and you can't do that. Which makes you more vulnerable than ever. You rely too much on your friends, and that's why you lose every time. So I want to ask you, how about you join the Neverseen?"

Sophie blinked. Her brain took a second to process the information. Then she looked at Gisela as if she was crazy, chocking back laughter. "Why would I join you?"

"If no, when you join us, we will tell you everything that is hidden in your brain, and all the secrets the Black Swan refused to tell you. Even your biological parents."

"Never!" Sophie said even though her mind instantly thought about the liar-that-does-not-deserve-to-be-mentioned when she heard the words "biological parents. "

"What a shame, I am sure you would suit our organization. I believe the Black Swan built you as a murderer with your impenetrable mind." 

"Oh, I am honored. Who do I get to murder? Another innocent human or elf?" Sophie asked sarcastically. 

"I have plans for you, Moonlark. Big plans."

"I'd be happy to fulfill my Legacy. " Sophie said, adding a bit more sarcasticness. 

"We need you to fulfill our big plan, your legacy." Lady Gisela answered rather seriously.

Sophie wanted to throw up but kept her eye contact even as she said, "Like the way you wanted me to be an important step to almost murdering Keefe? The way you assumed I would just connect to him telepathically while you injected him shadowflux? Because that is not going to happen ever again! I am not going to be fooled, I am a leader now, and I am going to be a great leader just as I was meant to be!"

"I would like you to be in the process of my third step to Stellarlune. But it's a shame you don't want to be a part of it. It's going to be fun." She shrugged as she raised her leaping crystal up in the air and leaped away with Ruy and Trix (whom Sophie had temporarily forgotten about their existence).

Sophie stared at the empty spot where they used to be with a confused expression. Why did they leave so early? Wouldn't they have tried to manipulate her more into joining the Neverseen?  She tried to answer her own questions but couldn't think of a suitable answer. However, Sophie had bigger measures to worry about, such as going back home, where there will be a very  angry goblin and an overprotected father. So she raised her home crystal and leaped back to home. 

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