Chapter 33

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Hello everyone!!

I'm baaackk! Thank you all for the support you've shown since the last chapter has been updated and being so patient and sticking with me!

I love you all so much.

So this part of the story isn't necessarily fun, but I promise the next part is going to be dramatic and worth the wait!

So here's your chapter, enjoy yourselves :)

Sophie ran towards Black's room with Ruy and Neev by her side.

Her sides were hurting from her rapid movements but she didn't have time to care. She ignored her legs and lungs screaming for help, glancing at Ruy and Neev running steadily by her side for motivation.

Sound of their footsteps echoed through the empty hallway. There was no one around them since it was training time. Sophie technically wasn't supposed to be in the hallway either, much less running in them. However, when she heard the news about Black she didn't hesitate from skipping her class.

Neev and Ruy ran towards the stairs and Sophie followed them quickly. The three elves climbed up the stairs as if there was a monster chasing them. When they arrived at the upper-floor they turned to the right in unison. Sophie outsped Ruy and Neev as they sprinted towards Black's door.

Sophie nearly collapsed as she approached her destination. With no energy left to open the door she doubled over and heaved a giant breath. Only once Neev and Ruy arrived Sophie was able to move to the side to allow her friends to open the door.

The sound of the door knob turning told Sophie that the entrance to the dorm was open. However, she hesitated to enter. The last time she had seen Black was 3 days ago. His doctor-Angela forbade any visitors from seeing him. Sophie and her friends protested but Angela's emotionless expression scared all of them away. Nonetheless, even Angela could not separate Jewels and Briar from Black as they refused to leave his side.

That was why Sophie was skeptical of entering the room. She missed Black with all her heart but the thought of seeing Briar again made her want to punch something.

"Sophie," Neev said from the room. "Come on!" She grabbed Sophie's wrist and dragged her through the door before she could protest.

Once she stepped into the room Sophie immediately realized that Angela wasn't there. Relief filled in Sophie's chest. Although she hated to admit it, Angela kind of frightened her. In the last conversation they had, Angela had asked if Sophie knew her from her past. Sophie had no memories of her before coming to the Neverseen, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Black was the first one to acknowledge them.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be training?" He asked them casually from his bed.

Ignoring the question, Sophie, Ruy, and Neev all attacked Black with a giant hug. He pretended to dislike the hug-shifting uncomfortably in his bed while complaining that it hurt. However, Sophie could tell from the corner of his lips curling upwards that he secretly enjoyed it.

"Guys, you're going to squeeze me to death." Black coughed out when Sophie and her other friends refused to let go.

"You deserve it," Neev said. Her voice indicated that she was sobbing. Sniffing, she added, "You really thought you could get away with nearly dying, again, without telling us?"

Ruy also seemed close to tears. "I told you last time that if you nearly die again I'm going to kill you myself."

Sophie laughed through the new lump on her throat. Even though she had only known Black for a few months, that didn't stop her eyes from tearing up and her stomach from heaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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