Chapter 4

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Sophie woke up. She took a moment to process what happened yesterday and why she was in her bed. Then she remembered yesterday, her meeting with the Neverseen and finding about the lea-

Sophie shut the thought off. 

Right now, she didn't want to think about anything. She didn't want to process what happened yesterday. So Sophie did her best to focus on getting ready for school. She wanted to punch the elf who thought it was a good idea to open Foxfire when there was still Neverseen running around freely in the Lost Cities. She already had so many things to think about, and studying at school and doing homework didn't seem so important. Sophie never thought she would think human schools were ever good, but she wanted to be back to human schools where everything was so simple. (At least for her, it was simple, with her photographic memory and all)

Sophie shook her head. She was overthinking again. She quickly took a shower to distract herself from her thoughts and dressed up. As she packed her bags for school, she found out that she had some universes of the homework she hadn't done yesterday. Whatever she thought, she didn't really care . Maybe if she wished hard enough, the Neverseen might attack and destroy Foxfire today, which was the only thing that they could do to make her happy. She was about to go downstairs to eat breakfast when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. 

"Oh good, you're up." Edaline smiled as she entered her bedroom. "Come down for breakfast, I baked mallowmelt."

Sophie nodded as she half-heartedly smiled, mallowmelt wasn't good enough to change her mood right now. She forced herself to smile as she climbed down the stairs. Halfway down, she saw the Collective and her friends sitting on the couch. Why am I surprised at this point? She thought.

"Is this about the leak?" She asked, not even bothering to say good morning.

No one answered. In fact, they all seemed mad at her for some reason.

"Ok, I know that you're angry at me for meeting the Neverseen all by myself, but what else could I do? They're the Neverseen, they threatened me!" She took a deap breathe "My point is you can't stay angry at me forever, you have to tell me who the leak is at some point."

"I don't think you need to know." Fitz said bitterly after some minutes of silence. 

"Yeah, I bet you of all people already know. I mean, you live in a house made out of crystal!" Stina said sarcastically. 

"What do you mean?" Sophie asked, confused. 

"It means that you, you trai-"

"Mr. Vacker," Warned Mr. Forkle. 

Fitz ignored him, "You, you.... traitor, BETRAYED us!"

"Betray you? I really don't get what you're talking about!" Sophie said, getting frustrated.

"Stop playing dumb! You know what we're talking about!" Fitz yelled at her. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about-"


"Okay, that's enough." Grady said, glaring at Fitz. Edaline pulled Sophie closer, going into Mama bear mode. "Anyone else have something to say?"

"Actually, Ms. Foster, I need you to explain yourself."

Sophie took time to process the information. When she did, she blinked, she honestly didn't you how to feel. Was her friends, who had helped her through her most darkest times, calling her a traitor? Was her creators, the leaders of the organization that made her the Moonlark, made her life so messed up and made her lose so many people who she loved, turning their back on her? She felt like chocking, drowning into an endless pit of darkness. Her brain wasn't functioning properly. Then she remembered. 


She suddenly felt safe thinking about him. He was the only light in her messed-up thoughts. Her eyes searched for him in the living room, and then she realized that he wasn't here. 

She panicked.

Where was he? Was he hurt? How could she not notice that he wasn't here in the first place? She was such a bad girlfriend, wait, were they girlfriend and boyfriend now?  What is happenin-

"Ms. Foster," Mr. Forkle said, bringing her back to reality.

"Stop accusing my daughter to be a traitor without no evidence! She is NOT the leak!" Grady hissed.

Sophie looked at Edaline expecting her to calm Grady down, but she seemed equally angry.

"Actually, we do have proof." Mr. Forkle told them. 

Proof? What did they mean they have proof?
What did Sophie do recently that could possibly make them think that she was the leak? Was it her meeting with the Neverseen? Her mind was crowded with so many thoughts that she lost track of them. She leaned closer to Edaline, who wrapped her arms around Sophie. Sophie finally felt the emotions storming in her heart. She was angry, no, she was furious. How dare they question her loyalty after everything she had gone through for this organization!

"Show me," Sophie finally soke.

Everyone looked at her.

"Show me the proof," Sophie repeated, gaining confidence. She looked around the room. Looking closely at her used-to-be-loyal-friends' faces. Fitz was in the corner of the room glaring at her. Tam was probably hiding in the shadows, Dex was staring at the floor with a half guilty half angry look on his face. Stina looked just like she did every day, an angry banshee. (Sry guys, I couldn't help it) Biana and Linh were clinging to each other, looking like they were about to cry. The rest of the collective had an unreadable expression, but Sophie could tell that they were all angry at her. 

"Alright, I'll show you the proof." Mr. Forkle said. 

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