Ɛ=~+:~author's note~:+~=3

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Author's Note~=:3 Hey Guys! Like I'd promised, I have the Dazai Ships One Shots Series started. I hope y'all support me on my journey of being a writer. This is kind of like a shit post since I just wanted to write Bsd Oneshots and Dazai's ships are just my fave :D 

I might not be able to make them act canon, so please don't be disappointed. I accept requests but I will not take smut, nsfw since I'm not sure if I'll be able to write it and it would make me a bit uncomfortable as it'd ruin my way of seeing the characters. I will take requests for fluff, angst, platonic-ness, light smut etc.

I will also, in some cases, write one shots on ships such as Shin Soukoku, Boomer Soukoku, Ranpoe & Suegiku. I also accept AU requests. Please understand that it'll be hard for me to juggle school and this so most chapters/stories might be delayed and your requests might or might not be fulfilled. 

Thank you so much for choosing my series & I hope you enjoy!

Sincerely, Lizzy-sensei/ Author-nim

(P.S:=~ The cover is a random image because i don't feel like drawing atm, credit goes to Jolynn on Pinterest, if she isn't the original creator then i unfortunately do not know who made it)

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