='~ When The Jades Converge (Souheki Fluff) ~'=

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 Murder, Gore, Sensitive Topics?? Read at your Own Risk

~=3 Author~Nim Notes= :~ Hey guys!! I was so excited to write this but writer's block decided to jumpscare me TvT. Sorry for such a long wait!!! Also yes I know that Dazai and Ranpo never had a mission together until ep5 s1 of Bsd!! This is an og story btw. Also guys I haven't read Dazai's Entrance Exam, i just know it exists T^T. Credits for Cover Art goes to @Dosto.zai on Pinterest-:'+:


~=:) Summary: Double Jade or Souheki are the smartest in the whole of BSD (excluding Fyodor) and are also the only reason the ADA can be a Detective Agency, but how did it start? What circumstances led to the forming of the Famous Double Jade (:=~ 


It was a few days after Dazai's Entrance Exam and everything was normal, dare I say even peaceful. The new member, Dazai Osamu had certainly stirred up quite the commotion in the Detective Agency so this much of silence was quite relaxing for the members. This new member interested Ranpo a lot and he wanted to try and get closer to him. He was quite happy with the mood change brought along with Dazai.

So, when Ranpo got a mission to find the culprit of a murder, he decided to test out the rookie of the agency and analyse his level of intelligence, instinct,agility and to confirm his own doubts about what he thought was Dazai's old profession, he found this to be the perfect time. Ranpo went over to the president's office to ask him for permission to take Dazai along for his mission. If all went according to plan then he would have deciphered the odd human known as Dazai, who could even put the World's Best Detective in a twist! 


Soon after, we could see two people leaving the agency, a tall brunette wearing a tan trench coat and a short raven-haired man who had a brown inverness cape on. They were walking side by side, in such an ordinary manner you would've never thought that they were prodigies, both challenging each other's wit and knowledge to decipher their level of expertise. 


Why, I suppose my prediction about Ranpo-san taking me out on a mission as an excuse to analyze me had to come true. It seems that fate has something against me, for it could have not chosen a worse timing. I was much too busy lazing around and I really don't mind who finds out about my old identity, but, if I was led so far, I might as well play along with the Agency's Best Detective...


*sighs* I feel like having candy!! I'm surprised I forgot to get some. I guess we'll get some later on but I really doubt I would be able to, after all, taking along rookies with you just guarantees that you'll take quite the long time outside. Of course this rookie is a special case, but nonetheless, there is no way he can reach the same level as me! The World's Best Detective!!



Dazai and Ranpo reached the estimated spot, it was a train terminal. The police had taped the area down and escorted the civilians out, trains for the day were also canceled and tickets got refunded. 

"Ranpo-san!!!" a man called out towards Ranpo, "Ah! Akito-kun! How are you? Can you fill us in about the case? Also! meet Dazai, he's the newbie at the Agency and he's here to observe me, Dazai, Akito is the officer in charge for most cases I get!". After Dazai and Akito exchanged greetings, Akito filled them in about the situation. It was your typical murder case, even the murderer's outfit was your average stereotypical murderer outfit, Ranpo could hardly stifle his yawn. "Quite literally your stereotypical murder case, isn't it? Well it is perfect for me to test our new rookie boy over here" Ranpo said, pointing at Dazai as he finished.

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