='~It's Us Against This Cruel World (Fyozai Angst)~'=

402 8 54


Suicide, Murder, Gore, Sensitive Topics, My Writing, Dazai's death, OOC

~=3 Author~Nim Notes= :~Hey Guys! Hope you like this story, I'm going to be posting stories which I requested other creator's to let me remake for these next few days! The Original Creator of this story is NoThankyou943 and I ask you to go read their version of this story which is absolutely amazing! Cover art by @akechisu1 on Twitter (X). -:'+:

~=3 A.U~Details=:~

God Fyodor, Human Dazai, Simp God Fyodor, Overprotective God Fyodor, Non-Toxic Fyozai.

~=:) Summary: Fyodor a god, interested in none had a human catch his eye. This one was quite special and the longer Fyodor looked over him, feelings began developing, yet he only took those feelings as curiosity but one might even say its of ~love~ (:=~

Fyodor, a very feared god in the heavenly realms, had a human catch his eye. It has been 8 years since he first saw this very specific human. His name was Dazai Osamu and out of the 7 billion people on this planet Earth (It's 7b because the year this oneshot is set in is 2012) , he was one so complicated it challenged even Fyodor himself to figure out what this human was thinking.

Osamu Dazai, an ex- mafia executive of Yokohama's underworld ruler, The Port Mafia. Known as 'The Youngest Mafia Executive' and 'The Demon Prodigy'. One who was not considered Human even at a very young age. "Impressive, for a human" was Fyodor's first thought at Dazai's achievements, but his slight curiosity for Dazai rose to something much bigger. As he observed Dazai growing up, commentating, noting down and taking pictures of Dazai. (By a power he has)

He became obsessed, he loved him! He loved his small, thin waist, his fragile hands, thick and long thighs, his deep brown eyes, the smartness he possessed, his small face, his sharp, defined jawline, his lips.. oh, his sweet light lips... Oh what Fyodor would give to have a chance to feel those lips, to taste Dazai. He bet that Dazai tasted sweet, everything about him was sweet... He wanted to hear his name be called out by Dazai and most of all he wanted none of the men surrounding Dazai to be near him. None of them deserved him. (#DazaiSimpGoals, #FyodorRelatable) They treated him like trash! The dirty blonde haired man, threw Dazai! and don't even get Fyodor started on the Ginger, a short, aggressive little gremlin, that's what he was, fyodor concluded.

Fyodor took an oath that if he were to ever be able to woo Dazai, he would treat him like a prince. Of course Dazai is a prince, Fyodor's prince and anyone who dares defy him will have to deal with Fyodor.

Luckily for Fyodor, this little oath he took wouldn't take long to be put into action... Fyodor had been allowed to roam the Human and Heavenly Realm as he pleased, this meant it was time for Fyodor to see his beloved! Oh my, how ecstatic Fyodor was, nobody would know. For this occasion was a joyous one, one which ought to have been celebrated.


After reaching the Human realm, first thing was to dress up incredibly fashionable, and so he did. He then went over, acting surprisingly casual, to a cafe frequently visited by Dazai, it wasn't the one underneath the ADA but rather a completely different one around 5 kilometres away from Dazai's dorm. 

Fyodor had to fess up to himself, he had sometimes peeked when Dazai was changing his clothes and might've seen him in his boxers quite a few times but it's no biggie! He suddenly ran into someone as he was reflecting on his old actions, as he looked down, he saw his love! His lifeline, Dazai! In front of him, a real person! "Oh goodness, he looks even cuter in real life" thought Fyodor, barely hiding his blush.

"Oh my! Excuse me good sir, I certainly did not see you but I should have, after all your height is quite the amazing accomplishment", said Dazai grinning, looking up at Fyodor. Fyodor blushed, this was it.... Now was the time to get closer to his beloved and get closer they did, after introducing themselves to each other, fyodor suggested they sit down at a table to chat. They got closer and even exchanged numbers. 

Dazai was a new member to the ADA so he was glad to have someone to talk to, especially such eye-candy. 


Around the time Atsushi was found, it was common knowledge that Fyodor and Dazai were inseparable friends but after the events of Dead Apple (Fyodor participated but only because Dazai asked him to and not because he is a terrorist) it became common knowledge that Dazai was going out with Fyodor. 


Fyodor was in bliss, two months before.. Dazai had confessed to him which left Fyodor speechless, he could have eaten up Dazai's cute face.. he was blushing so hard. Of course Fyodor immediately confessed about his feelings and now, two months later... He's here, cuddling with Dazai, shopping with Dazai, eating with Dazai! Everything he wanted to do was done, he could finally die in peace. But, his boyfriend had still not left his suicidal tendencies and it made him extremely upset, to see that he couldn't get rid of what pained Dazai so much that he wanted to take his own life.

But Fyodor kept that to himself, as he didn't want to burden his sweet boyfriend. Just seeing his face next to him when he woke up was enough. Small simple dates and nagging each other. Nothing made Fyodor happier than to stand by and protect his human, his  boyfriend, his Dazai.

But I suppose Fate didn't even want to give Fyodor that, as it turns out that fate has some severe problems with him... but to do this to him. He couldn't forgive ANYONE for what had happened. "Why couldn't we live happily, the times we enjoyed, the times we loved each other, laughed along with each other! WHY couldn't they last", said Fyodor out loud, sobbing while holding the hand of Dazai, who was dying. What had suddenly hit his beloved, fyodor didn't know but now... he was going to punish every human present on this earth for ending the life of his beloved. "Do not waste your time left in this cruel world to take revenge for me, Fedya~. You are extremely important for me so if you want us to meet in another life then you must live well." said Dazai, "I can't... I really can't live without you", mumbled Fyodor... "I love you Fedya, you know that" said Dazai pulling Fyodor in for one last kiss. 

Fyodor was enraged, how dare Humans take away the one person he loved with all his heart... How dare they strip him off of his life... No matter who it is, Fyodor vowed to himself to never set his eyes on another human being unless they're not his love. He wanted to strip humanity off of their life, for taking the one most dear to him.

Fyodor ruined everything! But humanity found another way to grow and so did the wound in Fyodor's heart, thus Fyodor killed himself after destroying humanity so he could meet up with his love once again.

In the end, all that was left was humans corpses but in the middle of them was a special duo, a black haired corpse and a brown haired corpse were lying down , tear splotches and dirt on them but they were holding hands. They were connected throughout.


Sorry guys! I really don't know how to write angst properly. Anyways, SUFFER YOU MORTALS >:) I hope you cried a lot on this story :D NoThankyou943, thank you so much for allowing me to elaborate on your AU. Really enjoyed writing this!! :D Also, I caught a cold you guys so maybe chapters might be late? I'm not really sure but yea :D BYE!

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