='~Dazai's Birthday (Kunikidazai Fluff, Light Smut & Slight Dazai Angst) 2/2~'=

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~=3 Author~Nim Notes= :~

The cover was on Pinterest but I can't find out who sent it so I think they might have deleted their account or something :(

Right guys! Be ready, I haven't gotten any draft ready for 'For The One We Love' so i'll be very very busy as I'm planning to send out a new chapter to my Reincarnation novel too! Don't know how i'll manage it but I will somehow :D Also, anyone else happy about fyodor dying? Fyozai was a very good dynamic tho :( But this proves Dazai is smarter than Fyodor so his IQ is more than 205.  

Haruno had a day off because her mother had fallen ill but she had wished Dazai a happy birthday!

^+:(Characters might be OOC (Out Of Character)):+^

_+"Also guys, I might send out a Dazai headcannon chapter soon where you will get to see my headcannons!"+_ 


Everybody was shocked, Rampo-san and Yosano-sensei had dared Dazai-san to dress up as a MAID?! Moreover, Dazai-san actually agreed?! They were very confused as to when the three talked about this but they didn't question it.

"Well then, how about you go ahead and change Birthday Boy?" said Yosano snickering, "You'll look absolutely beautiful" she said in sarcasm. "Yes, I will" said Dazai in a smile, "but, i'm afraid I might get bad stares, as I will be too beautiful to ignore. What if somebody peeks!" he added dramatically.

(Y'all I'm not making Yosano a villain or anything but just thought this would be good for the scene)

"Don't worry Dazai-kun, me and Naomi will guard you!" said Yosano quickly, pushing Dazai to the bathroom with a package. Everyone was too struck to object or even say something, except for Kenji and Kyouka who were in a deep conversation about the plant on Kenji's desk.

After a few minutes, a shriek came from the direction of the bathroom, it was Naomi's and it was followed by Yosano's. "Oh my god! Why the hell are you so freaking good looking!!". This calmed everyone's nerves down, especially Tanizaki who had tensed up when he heard Naomi's scream. But this also made them curious as to how Dazai looked like.

Kunikida was slightly blushing, he was imagining Dazai in a maid dress 😏. "NO! I must be going crazy, that guy doesn't even fit my ideals! And I shouldn't imagine such things about a person" thought Kunikida shaking his head. Atsushi asked him if he was okay to which kunikida replied "yeah".

Heels are heard in the corridor, Naomi enters, smiling like she saw an angel, behind her Yosano enters with an annoyed expression. Somebody enters behind them both, a beautiful girl? No, they had the structure of a man. "Dazai...-san?" said Atsushi, breaking the silence. "Yes Atsushi-kun" said Dazai smiling, he had makeup on him and looked breathtaking. "How pretty" thought Kunikida, who almost forgot to breathe. "The Dress really suits you Dazai-san" adds Kenji, "yes" Kyouka agrees, Tanizaki and Naomi nod their heads

They continued the game for half-an-hour and Dazai won, he did every dare without flaw. Yosano's jaw almost fell out because of how much she was gawking. "Yosano, it's rude to gawk y'know?" said Rampo, closing Yosano's jaw. Rampo headed to Dazai and extended a hand out, "Good game?", Dazai shook his hand, "Good game, but where's my money?" "ofcourse, it's right here, Rampo said, taking a check out with his sign on it, smiling. 

The Agency members, then had lunch, made by Dazai who was surprisingly good at cooking (It was a dare given to him to cook food, so as to not waste food, they ate the food Dazai made). "This is so GOOD!! Dazai-san, you really are amazing" said Atsushi while swallowing the food down like it was the only thing in the world. "Your right! Everything made by me is great Atsushi-kun" replied Dazai, "They really are great Dazai-san" added Tanizaki, "Yes they are!" said Naomi, Dazai thanked them. "I would really like seconds if it is possible Dazai-san" Kenji said holding his bowl up, "Yes of course Kenji-kun" Dazai said with a smile as he served Kenji some 'Yakimeshi'. Kyouka held her bowl up, indicating she also wanted more, "yes of course Kyouka-chan!" Dazai said as he filled her bowl. Kunikida's heart was thumping really fast, he was extremely flushed too. He also wanted to be served by Dazai. "Hey Dazai, what about us!!" said Rampo, pouting as he had already finished his bowl, Yosano too, was pointing towards her bowl. "Oh ho, is that so, well then I must apologize for ignoring you" Dazai said as he served those two more food. Kunikida coughed, enough to get Dazai's attention towards him, "I-uhm would like some more" he mumbled, not looking Dazai in the eyes. Dazai got closer with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Is that so Kuni-kidaa-kun~, I am so glad you liked my food!!" Dazai said as he served Kunikida another bowl. 

Soon after, everybody finished the food, "Wait! Dazai-san, you haven't eaten anything yet! It's your birthday!" said Kenji suddenly, which got everybody telling Dazai to eat. "Uh, No, I don't feel like eating right now, maybe later" said Dazai with a smile. "Drats" Dazai thought "I thought they wouldn't notice". They all stopped after they noticed Dazai being very head strong about not eating.

They all participated in more games and soon, the minors were sent home as Yosano, Rampo, Kunikida and Dazai sat around in a circle and drank alcohol. (Rampo didn't have any, he had candy but let's say somebody slipped some alcohol in him and Kunikida was forced to by Dazai and Yosano) They all drank and joked about, till Yosano and Kunikida were a mess, Dazai was used to the feeling of numbness and wasn't a blubbering mess. Rampo was a bit drunk but not very so he took Yosano home and told Dazai to take Kunikida home, wished him a happy birthday and went to look for the keys to the door. (The President did participate in some games but had to leave early so Rampo locked the door) Dazai picked Kunikida up and gave his thanks to Rampo-san as he left. 

They arrived at Dazai's Apartment, Dazai planned to change and take Kunikida to his house because Dazai couldn't be in a Maid dress, even if he had his coat over him. Yosano told him he could only take his clothes off at home thus he had to do so. (Rigggghtttt, we all know what he really wanted tho 😉😊🤨😏)

Dazai dragged Kunikida up to his room and huffed as he made Kunikida sit, "did you really have to be asleep right now" thought Dazai, he stretched his hands and went to change out of the Maid dress.

Dazai came back, now in a turtleneck and pants. Kunikida was awake, "Oh! Kunikida-Kun! You're Awa-" Dazai was cut off as Kunikida suddenly pinned him down to the ground. "Oh my! Kunikida~Kun, I thought I wasn't your ideal" teased Dazai. Kunikida panted, "Y-You are, I L-like you Dazai" said Kunikida in a hoarse voice. Dazai's eyes widened, "What-?", his cheeks flushed, "Kunikida-kun.. I-I like you too" mumbled Dazai, Turning his face, trying to hide his flushed eyes.

Kunikida was surprised to hear this "Wh- Really", "Y-yes" said Dazai, Dazai's chin was suddenly jerked to face Kunikida as they soon entered a passionate kiss, exploring inside each other's mouth's with their tongue.. "m-hhhm" Dazai moaned, Kunikida smiled as he picked Dazai up and placed him on the window sill. He allowed Dazai to breathe, as he entered the kiss almost immediately again. Dazai's head was turning into a blind mess as his legs turned numb. Maybe, the alcohol was getting to both of them. Dazai pushed Kunikida away, "No! We can't do it when you might forget it and.. according to your ideals, we cannot do it until we are married. Kunikida grunts and drops into Dazai's lap, as he starts to fall asleep.

Dazai smiles slightly, as he picks Kunikida up and shoulder supports his sleeping ass back home. Dazai drove the car as he held Kunikida's hand, blushing. "Guess my birthday wasn't absolute shit this year" he thought. Dazai's past birthdays were full of pain, sadness and bandages. He hated having a birthday, he thought being alive and celebrating the day he was born was too much of a bother. "Yet, just like how Chuuya had made his birthdays bearable, The agency had done so too. He didn't deserve this much" thought Dazai as he smiled sadly and stopped in front of Kunikida's house, woke him up and escorted him inside.

"Good Night! Kuni-Kidaa~kun" said Dazai with a big smile, Kunikida got closer and suddenly kissed him again, even more passionately than before, "Mhmmm!" moaned Dazai. He broke the kiss and panted for air, Kunikida waved with a groggy look and the flustered Dazai waved back as he entered the car and drove back home.


Guys! Finally this chapter is finished, it was so freaking hard to write but whatever. Anyways I'll start working on the Fyozai one later on, after a break. Enjoy y'all!! Sorry this was too rushed but I was too lazy to elaborate much and skipped a lot of parts TvT

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