='~For the One We Love 1/?(Fyozai Fluff)~'=

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Suicide, Murder, Gore, Sensitive Topics, Yandere, My Writing

~=3 Author~Nim Notes= :~ Hey guys! The cover is by @Bungo Stray Dogs: Port ADA on Facebook! This is a special story with a very good plot, the original creator of this is @imdedintheinside1, pls go read their story on this AU because it is awesome! I have taken their permission to write a story on this AU. I might write more for this AU, maybe even one where Dazai's angst is shown :D!-:'+:

~=3 A.U~Details=:~

Deaf Dazai, ADA Fyodor, Yandere/Jealous Chuuya, Nice, Pretty Dazai, Dazai Harem, In this AU it's Fyodor who saved Atsushi because Dazai joined when he was 22.


Dazai Osamu, also known as "The Youngest Executive in Port Mafia History", "The Demon Prodigy" and "The Placid Slayer" (Placid means calm and peaceful, with little movement), he was deaf but that didn't stop him from being the best of the best in Port Mafia. He is known to have tortured his Targets, asked them their last wish and laughed at them while telling them he was deaf and killing them. He is also known to be quite the beauty and a very wise, cunning & charming fellow. He can read people's lips, so he is able to respond but at times he isn't able to understand what they're trying to say.

Soon after Odasaku died, Dazai left the Port Mafia, he threw his resignation letter and used bandages in Mori's face, showed him the middle finger and left. He'd also left his partner, Chuuya a letter explaining about his resignation, apologising for leaving him alone as he knows how much trauma Chuuya has regarding people leaving him.

Dazai sighed, "It's been this long, yet I haven't been able to save anyone at all, Odasaku" thought Dazai to himself. What should he do? After all, 4 years was the minimum requirement for his crime records to be erased and forgotten of and here we are, 4 years after he left the Port Mafia. "I-I could ask Fyodor, after all we are still in contact and do write letters to one another but, wouldn't it be awkward, what if he takes me in the wrong way? I can't blame him though, even though I'm his boyfriend, the only time I reach out to him is when I'm in trouble" Dazai sighed. "There's no use in thinking about suicide, since Odasaku's wish still hasn't been fulfilled."

Dazai, who after giving himself many pep-talks, sent Fyodor a letter regarding his circumstances. Fyodor, who knew that Dazai left the Port Mafia, was delighted to see that Dazai asked him for help. It's been so long since he'd (Fyodor) seen him (Dazai). "What's gotten into him?" Yosano asked Kunikida after seeing the rare and quite eerie smile on Fyodor's face. "He's been like this ever since he got that letter" said Kunikida pointing towards the letter Fyodor had kept on his desk next to him while staring lovingly at it.

Fyodor's reply shocked and relieved Dazai, he wasn't angry and didn't take it in the wrong way, Fyodor invited him to the ADA with open arms and even said that they should share one room! Dazai was overjoyed, even blushing slightly but also nervous. The day came when Dazai was to have an exam so he could enter the ADA, he felt like it wasn't him in his clothing but instead it was 147 lbs jittering nerves. "You can do this, it's your boyfriend and he 's welcoming you with open hands.. No need to be nervous" Dazai gave himself a brief pep-talk as he entered the building where the ADA has its headquarters, he opened the door to the Agency.

Everyone was in the office area of the building doing work, when the door suddenly opened and there stood a young man, around his early twenties with chestnut brown hair and extremely kind, sweet hazelnut eyes with an almond shape."Who was this beautiful man? An angel perhaps.. no, not possible" was the thought that must've gone around in everyone's mind.

"Hello, do you need help sir? Did something happen?" asked Tanizaki, inviting the man to sit down. "I-uhm, I-I came here..as it's, I'm going to work here from today onwards." replied Dazai who was stuttering quite a bit as he was extremely nervous and just a jittering mess. "My- my apologies! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Dazai Osamu" Dazai said, standing up and bowing to everyone in the room.

"How cute! He's very nervous but adorable" was the thought going around for all the members now, they were all star-struck by Dazai's beauty, he could easily say he was a female and not be doubted. "So your the new guy president said he'd found?" Yosano said, "Your so pretty! Can you share your face routine?!" "Stop it Yosano-san, let the newbie relax a bit" said Kunikida stepping in. Everyone started to talk to Dazai, which overwhelmed him a bit but it made him happy. "Welcome to the Agency, Dazai-kun" said Ranpo, which made everyone start saying the same thing to him. "Thank you everyone, I'm very happy right now! This is such bliss!" Dazai told them as he flashed the captivating grin which bewitched everyone in the room. Kenji, Yosano, Naomi & Atsushi started gushing over how precious he was.

Dazai was looking around, trying to spot Fyodor. Thankfully, maybe he wouldn't have to face him today. Kunikida noticed that dazai was looking for someone "What happened Dazai-kun? Is there something your looking for?" asked Kunikida as Dazai started to blush from ear to ear,"Oh-uh-uhm y-yes, Is Fyodor around?" asked Dazai not knowing why he didn't just say no. "Fyodor? Oh that's right! He was the one who suggested you to be taken in as a member, right? He should be here any minute, he'd just gone to get sweets for Ranpo-san" said Kunikida.

10 minutes passed and Dazai was just about to excuse himself and sit down when the door opened, it was Fyodor, "Ranpo-san, here you go, the candies you'd requested" Fyodor said handing Ranpo the sweets he'd requested and oddly enough Ranpo-san was right there to take them as if he had expected Fyodor to come right then. "Hey Fyodor! The guy who you had recommended is here!" yelled Yosano while dragging Dazai out and pointing at him. Dazai's heart began to beat extremely fast as he started blushing, Fyodor was taller than before and his features were sharpened too, he looked nothing like the teen Dazai had met years ago, it was similar for Fyodor, Dazai was extremely beautiful with silky brown, curly locks of hair, a small waist and androgynous face with sharper features, he was taller as well, he looked nothing like the adorable, cute boy with squishy cheeks and adorable reactions he'd met years ago and yet they were the same being.

"Hey~ Fedya, It's been..long, how are you doing?" asked Dazai, "Extremely good, now that you're here <3" said Fyodor whose face was now lightened with a grin, flirting very obviously with Dazai. Everyone except for Ranpo was confused, "what's going on here, is that even the fyodor we know?" was what they were thinking while Ranpo was already munching on snacks and snickering. "What the- What are you doing! You shouldn't do that to new members Fyodor!" said Kunikida, "Why not? we're boyfriends after all" said Fyodor while smirking as Dazai tried to hide his face (his cute reactions were very visible and everyone was just silently admiring him!) "S-stop it Fedya! I-I" "Why~? Are you embarrassed?" This was something Dazai didn't understand. Fyodor smiled and sighed as he did sign language to tell Dazai what he said on which Dazai just blushed more. This confused everyone, "Dazai isn't deaf, we were just talking to him! And how the hell do you know sign language?!" said Yosano once again, speaking out for everyone. Fyodor just looked slightly annoyed and said " Dazai is deaf, yet he can read lips and quite fast too at that, so he is able to engage in conversations normally yet at times he is not able to understand a few lines, now was one of them. So if you don't mind I'm going to show Dazai where my room is, as we're going to share, "OOOO~~" both Yosano and Ranpo teased them until both Dazai and Fyodor left.


"Sorry if you got overwhelmed because of those idiots, sweetheart" said Fyodor to Dazai, to which Dazai's response was just a big cuddle as he rested his head on Fyodor's chest. "I Love You Fedya~" said Dazai. This made Fyodor delighted as he gave Dazai many quick pecks. "Love you too, Dear~. They made dinner together, laughed, shared stories & ranted. It felt like the old times to both Dazai and Fyodor and as it came to be night, Dazai and Fyodor cuddled and kissed more in their futon and fell asleep.


SORRY Y'ALL!! This became too long so I was like, nah let's divide it into parts so just look forward ok? I was originally not going to write this today but I don't feel like studying for my tests so writing it is :D. Good thing for me, tomorrow is an easy test. Also google says Dazai's actual weight is 147 pounds so it's a canon fact y'all! I totally forgot dazai was deaf, can you notice 😭 so I quickly fixed it. Anyways @imdedintheinside1, this is for you!! :D Sorry for another very long story y'all!! I became really lazy in the end, so you can see its rushed :(

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