='~Dazai's Birthday (Kunikidazai Fluff, Light Smut & Slight Dazai Angst) 1/2~'=

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~=3 Author~Nim Notes= :~

Hi guys! Sorry for not posting the second part of "For the One We Love" but I was getting so many freaking ideas on Kunikidazai so here you go! The cover for this chapter is by likki on pinterest! I'll post a dazai harem chapter series or smth with fem! dazai so look forward yall! Also, many creators have allowed me to write stories in their AU/ elaborate on their stories so be happy!-:'+:

^+:(Characters might be OOC (Out Of Character)):+^

_+" I wasn't able to add Kunikidazai in this chapter, there'll be lots in the next chapter, promise!!


It was a peaceful afternoon in the agency, Kenji was sleeping, Ranpo was snacking, Yosano, Kunikida, Tanizaki and Atsushi were working on reports, Kyouka was eating her third plate of tofu for the day, Naomi was in the kitchen preparing tea for everyone and Dazai was as usual, lazing around at his desk.

"Stop it! Dazai, write your reports for once! Poor Atsushi here, is being burdened! Even if you are his mentor you shoul-" Kunikida was cut off by Dazai, "Atatata! Kuni~kida~kunnnn, I am extremely wounded to these offensive words you have yet again used against me, Ah~ my heart! I think I may faint!".Kunikida really couldn't take him, "This ANNOYING! Suicidal maniac" thought Kunikida as he crushed the document in his hand in anger. "You Idiot!" said Kunikida picking Dazai up by his collar and throwing him against the floor. The loud 'thud' noise got everyone's attention to the matter at hand. "Oh dear me, Dazai-kun, you should do some work and stress Kunikida out less! Look at you, what if you got hurt!" said Yosano-sensei, helping Dazai up.

The president suddenly walks in and stares at the scene before him, he looks at Dazai, who was adjusting his clothes and hair "He looks like a fluffy kitten" thought fukuzawa looking at dazai's messy, curly chocolate hair. "I'm heading out for a few hours, take care of the agency ah and" Fukuzawa looked down at Dazai "Dazai, do you plan to celebrate your birthday this year?". Almost everyone (except Ranpo, who was munching on Potato Chips) looked at Dazai, "WHAT! His birthday? Come to think of it, we never really celebrated Dazai kun's birthday, have we? said Yosano. "Correct Yosano-san, it certainly isn't right since we celebrate every employee's birthday". "Yes! I would love to celebrate Dazai-san's birthday!" said Atsushi enthusiastically.

Dazai looked emotionless, eerie one might even say, at the thought of having someone to celebrate his birthday with. No one took notice of the dark look on Dazai's face as they started brainstorming, "Dazai-san, what do you think?" asked Kyouka, after finishing her fourth plate of tofu. Dazai immediately put on a big smile on his face and said "Sorry?" asked Dazai, "We plan to give you dares on your birthday and if you carry them out then you can use 10,000 yen to buy whatever you want" said Yosano with a smirk on her face "that is, if you can", Dazai gave her a big smile "How bold of you to think I'll back down from your challenge, Yosano-sensei!"

They all began to prepare for Dazai's upcoming birthday, buying their gifts and finishing their work so they could celebrate all day!


As Dazai walks in to the Agency, loud Party Horns blew from all directions, "Oh" Dazai said, he wasn't surprised because he'd predicted this much but the loud noise was.. a bit too much. "Surprised?" says Ranpo with a smirk, "Hardly, you'd have to try better than that" replies Dazai. "Stop your chit-chatting, he's finally here, so let's start!!" Yosano said as she dragged Dazai along.

They put on a birthday hat on him and started clapping as Dazai started flexing his new look, Atsushi and Kenji were laughing and cheering Dazai on, Kyouka was smiling, Tanizaki was smiling and clapping and so was Naomi, Kunikida just closed his eyes and sighed and thought "It's his birthday, I'll let him off just this once". Yosano suddenly joined Dazai in his little dance while Ranpo ate his snacks and cheered them on. After this lively start, Dazai & Yosano needed food, Kenji & Ranpo just wanted to eat so they also came along to eat, Naomi had gotten muffins from the cafe (downstairs) and handed them out to everyone. They played a lot of board games and chit-chatted until it struck 2:30, Ranpo and Yosano shared a look at eachother which signified "Now's the time", Yosano climbed up onto Ranpo's table and Ranpo sat down on his table, next to Yosano while kicking his feet.

"Everyone! Me and Yosano have a special announcement, especially for the Birthday Boy" said Ranpo as he smiled mischievously in Dazai's direction, Dazai suddenly understood what they were about to do sent another look at Ranpo indicating "Do it, you think that'll stop me?". Ranpo smirked and looked at Yosano, nodding. Yosano smirked, "Dazai sure is quite the risk-taker" she thought as she said out loud "TIME FOR 'DARES FOR THE BIRTHDAY BOY GAME' EVERYONE!".

"So I take it that Ranpo -san and Yosano-sensei would like to do the honours for the first dare" Dazai said with an eyebrow raised as if he was challenging them. "Correct Dazai-kun! Your dare is....drumroll please!......(ranpo imitates a drumroll)....To dress up in a Maid Outfit for the rest of the day!! Everyone (-Dazai, Yosano & npo) exclaimed "WHAT?!" "well, I mean Dazai does have quite the good looking face and androgynous genes so I just wanted to see if the clothes will suit him, so what better time than now?" replied Yosano "That would be fine, but it depends on Dazai, what if he doesn't want to? What if it makes him uncomfortable? We wouldn't want to do that to him on his birthday, now would we?" said Kunikida with an exasperated look, "Oh, if that's the problem, me and Ranpo have already checked with Dazai if it's fine!" said Yosano with a grin "What! When?" asked Atsushi and Tanizaki, "Right now, just a few moments ago!" Ranpo said, with a smile on his face as he sucked a lolipop from god knows where!


+:"Sorry for the long chapter guys! I had a lot of Ideas for this one! Imma make one more part of this as its too long!! :( I have so many stories piled up one after another that I'm not sure if I'll be able to take requests at the moment, but good thing nobody is commenting :D! I'll send the second part today if I can but not sure, I still have like two weeks of tests left :((!! T^T Also I wasn't able to add Kunikidazai this chapter so I'm really sorry! Next chapter I promise!":+

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