Author's Note (Im back yall!)

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I'm making a comeback yall lmao, I've been gone for so fucking long and I apologize, I give up on decorating my chapters, takes a lot of time, I won't be updating this fic much but I'll be posting new ones soon!! I'll be adding some new fics in this soon enough, sorry I wasn't able to post signal, I just didn't have any motivation and the story was so craptastic 😭. My writing has certainly improved since then so I hope you guys haven't abandoned me and are ready!!! I might get an Ao3 acc soon, crossing fingers for that!!

Also fuck fyodor, I'm tired of that bitchass being alive, I also joined a whole bunch of fandoms! I'll be writing for them too! Especially those in desperate need of fan fiction 😭😭‼️‼️ gotta feed my pookies as well as myself!!

If you know what gacha is, I have a YouTube channel, I hope you check it out!! I'll link it here!


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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