='~Ice-Cream Time (SKK Fluff)~'=

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~=3 Author~Nim Notes= :~ Hey guys, the cover for this chapter is by @doubleskk on twitter, they posted a clean redraw of a manga cover featuring 15 SKK. This story features SKK when they were 16 so yea! Enjoy y'all! -:'+:

3=~ The story is placed sometime after Dazai and Chuuya are promoted to Executives~=Ɛ

It's early in the morning, as the sun starts to rise up..

 "How peaceful is this? Ironic isn't it, after everything which has happened to me.. you still dare to rise up high in the sky, shining brightly as if nothing happened?" thought Chuuya Nakahara, formerly known as the King of the organization called 'Sheep', now known as the 'Second youngest Executive in Port Mafia History'.

"Are you coming, chibi? The old Hag called us, so unfortunately we'll have to see his disgusting face" says Dazai Osamu, the 'Youngest Executive in Port Mafia History' and also the one who manipulated Chuuya's old organization and forced Chuuya to join the Port Mafia.

These two make up the duo who took down a whole organization in one night, Double Black but it'd be hard to believe that two bickering emo ass lookin' teenagers were the oh so highly respected duo of the underground.

"HAH!? What did you call me! Shitty Dazai! I'm still growing, jackass!?" Exclaimed Chuuya angrily. *smirks* "Hah, what a great joke, chibi. I told you this many times before but you oughta drink more milk." Said Dazai in a mocking tone.                                                                                                       Their fighting went on till they'd reached the front of the Port Mafia Hideout and continued to do so till they'd reached Mori's office. Mori Ougai is the Leader of the most dangerous underground organization in Yokohama, The Port Mafia. But here he was, this highly respected and feared man, on his knees in front of a cute but stubborn looking blonde little girl, who goes by the name Elise to wear.....a dress? A highly confusing scenario for people who weren't used to it but Dazai and Chuuya were very used to it, so it left them unfazed.

"Ahem, Boss.. we're here... So what was it that you'd needed from us boss" said Chuuya while trying to elbow Dazai as he was giggling in a quite obvious manner, not even trying to cover it.      "Ah, Chuuya-kun, Dazai-kun.. what a pleasure to see both of you arrive this fast after minutes of my calling." said Mori as he stood up.

"I need you two to eliminate these 4 men" Mori continues as he hands them photos of 4 men, "they have been going around, acquainting powerful ability users and have proven that they can be a threat to the Port Mafia in the future".

"Yes, understood boss.. then we'll get going" replies Chuuya while Dazai finally stops giggling and says goodbye in a very easy going manner "Byee-ee Mori" as they head out.

"WHAT WAS THAT, MACKEREL! He is your boss!? Do you realize how you were acting?? You are so fucking annoying!" yelled Chuuya after they made their way out of the Port Mafia base. "Oh, but I was acting but more formally than the hag deserved, how your words wound me Chibi!!" said Dazai in a melodramatic manner. "Shut it, mackerel. Lets go finish the job first.

3=~After taking care of the job and eliminating the targets, Dazai and Chuuya find themselves walking in a dense and quiet park~=Ɛ

"Haah" sighs Dazai, "What's got you in a fix, mackerel? asked Chuuya, "It's soooo hot! That explosion we made didn't help much at all" said Dazai, being unlike his usual self. Chuuya bursts out laughing, "What? Why the hell are you laughing?" Asked Dazai, slightly annoyed as it seemed that he (chuuya) was laughing at him (dazai), "Nah, it's just the face of those idiots when we told them that the building was going to explode in half a second through the speakers" said Chuuya trying to stifle his giggles and talk properly,"PFFFT, HAHAA" Dazai started laughing loudly which gave chuuya quite the shock. Soon, they started talking without bickering which was quite a rare sight. 

"And so, mori yelled at me for teaching Yumeno-kun (Q) swear words and it was so hilarious to hear him curse mori every few seconds with his naive face" said dazai, telling Chuuya of incidents where he annoyed the shit out of mori. "Pfft, your so fucking idiotic" said chuuya, they both paused for a second and looked at each other as they burst out laughing again, getting dirty looks from the passer-bys.                                                                                                                                    As they continued walking on, there was a sound of a ringing bell and a voice calling out "ICECREAM, GET YOUR ICE CREAM!" in the background.

"Did I hear that correctly? Did it say ice cream?? Oh damn, I love ice cream!!" said Chuuya suddenly. "Ice cream? I've heard of it but I don't remember tasting it once.. How does it taste chibi?" asked Dazai, Chuuya who was astonished by the fact that Dazai had never had Ice-cream that he ignored the fact he was called chibi! "What the hell were you doing with your fucking life Mackerel!? How the hell have you never had Ice-cream!? It's perfect for the hot weather so it should cure your very real "Warmth problem".  Chuuya grabs Dazai by his wrist and drags him to the Ice-cream cart, "It's gonna be your treat, though mackerel!" said Chuuya smiling excitedly as he dragged Dazai to the Ice-Cream cart. "Is that so, chibi? Well I suppose it is good to do charity for poor bloke's like you once in a while since i'm better off" said Dazai, being the tease he is. "HAAH!? Well off my ass, you haven't even had Ice-cream, Shitty Dazai!" said Chuuya, slightly irritated.

They stop at the Ice-Cream cart and start choosing what they wanna buy, "I'd like to have.. Chocolate Fudge please!" Said Chuuya, "What'll you take, Mackerel?" "Hmm, I don't know, how bout' you suggest me one chibi?" "Yea yea, shitty Dazai. Hmm how about.. Chocolate, it matches.. your hair colour? I DON'T KNOW, JUST PAY FOR IT SHITTY DAZAI!!" 

After paying for the Ice Cream and tasting it, dazai was left not quite but still a bit surprised, he'd predicted the outcome but the taste was still very calming, nice and it somehow made dazai feel less empty. "I- This is amazing, thanks chibi for introducing me to such a great taste! Chocolate is definitely my favourite now!" said Dazai, showing Chuuya the most genuine smile ever. Chuuya blushes heavily and he froze for a few seconds "U-uh I-" Chuuya was cut off by Dazai "Can I take a bite of your Ice-cream Chibi?" without waiting for an answer, Dazai took a few bites of chuuya's Ice cream, "Delicious, chibi!" said Dazai while licking his lips. Chuuya blushed slightly harder and to take revenge he took a bite of Dazai's ice cream, Dazai was slightly taken aback but he smiled mischievously with a tint of blush on his cheeks "My My, Chibi's getting quite bold, no?"  "HAHHH! You did it too, Shitty Dazai. I just took my revenge! and QUIT calling me CHIBI!"

After having a ball of a time while bickering, talking and eating/ sharing Icecreams, they returned to the Port Mafia and turned in their mission as complete as well as reported every event to Mori, "My my, chuuya-kun, Dazai-kun, don't me and elise get Ice-cream as well?" said Mori in a sad voice. "No can do, hag. So shut up or I'm gonna erase Elise again" said Dazai, clearly annoyed by mori.

This is how PM SKK spent their free time together, they enjoyed and shared Ice-cream together, when days were hard, when they remembered their pasts and trauma resurfaced and even if they had a blast or just an ordinary day. To comfort themselves and each other, SKK had a special time for their daily dose of Icecream sharing, they even started to buy one ice cream for both of them to share, on days when Dazai would suddenly show up to Chuuya, bloody to days when Chuuya's past (Stormbringer) would haunt him through Nightmares.


~=3 Author~Nim Notes= :~ Hey y'all, I got info on their fav ice cream through google. Y'all this might've been a bit too fast forwarded or slow and even unnatural but first try with a one shot, very sorry for making it so long but it was a really interesting idea though it has angst. But I hope y'all enjoyed, this didn't have much fluff but I added Non-platonic SKK for y'all in this, if you add this in your headcannons or continue this then please take my permission by tagging me and then credit me in the story you write as well (pls do, I need the advertising) Have a great time y'all!! (Also this isn't proof read so if there are any mistakes then please don't judge me) -:'+:

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