='~For the One We Love 2/?(Fyozai Fluff, Dazai Angst)~'=

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Suicide, Murder, Gore, Sensitive Topics, Yandere, My Writing

~=3 Author~Nim Notes= :~ Hey guys! It's been like hours but I don't feel motivated to write this but a promise is a promise. I don't think I'll make it any longer! Also I have prepared a cute drawing for my pfp so Deborah (My PFP: Sauce= Being a Wicked Woman is Comfortable and Pleasant) is going :D. Amazing Cover art by @hudooofu on Twitter (X)-:'+:

~=3 A.U~Details=:~

Deaf Dazai, ADA Fyodor, Yandere/Jealous Chuuya, Nice, Pretty Dazai, Dazai Harem, In this AU it's Fyodor who saved Atsushi because Dazai joined when he was 22.


~=:) 2 weeks after Dazai joined the ADA, Morning, 5:10 a.m. at Fyodor's Apartment(:=~

"It's dark, suffocating, have I finally been blessed with death? But why now, I just reconnected with Fyodor, got new, nice friends. I wasn't even allowed to fulfill dear Odasaku's wish, how shall I face him in the afterlife. But then again, I suppose demons like me aren't supposed to feel happiness, satisfaction and love". A tear slid down Dazai's cheek, then another and another until he couldn't stop crying.

A hand reached out to him and held him, "time for me to die then" thought Dazai, who was wrong, he was shaken gently and soon he realized it was all just a dream or rather a nightmare. Dazai turned around to see a concerned look adorned on the otherwise handsome face of his dear boyfriend, Fyodor. "O-oh I-" "Dazai! Are you ok?!" said Fyodor, a little too intensely than intended. Dazai flinched at his expression, but before Fyodor could apologize, Dazai did it instead, "I-I'm really sorry, I can't stop these nightmares from coming and and I-I, I really am the world's biggest bother, aren't I?" Dazai said, clinging to Fyodor's chest, trying to stop his tears from flowing out but being unsuccessful.

Fyodor gently caressed his little princess' hair and made Dazai sit in his lap. "I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to raise my voice, I was just really anxious and wanted to make sure you were all right! You didn't do anything wrong! Please, if anything is wrong, if you feel uncomfortable or something makes you upset or scared then talk to me. I love you and want to help you!" Dazai just leaned on to and cried on Fyodor's shoulder till the birds started chirping outside. Fyodor just hugged his boyfriend and tried to give him all he could.

After a while, Dazai sat up and thanked Fyodor for letting him spill his heart out, Fyodor smiled, "happy to be of assistance Моя принцесса" said fyodor, talking Dazai's palm and kissing it while looking into his (Dazai) eyes. Dazai was a bit confused but Fyodor explained it in sign language, Dazai blushed, Fyodor liked to see his boyfriend back to his normal, flustered self. "Now, I'm going to go change, can you cut up some vegetables and prepare miso soup Fedya-kun?"said Dazai. "Of course Моя принцесса" Fyodor purred.

(They have a bathtub in their bathroom and they take baths at night and morning)

Soon after, Dazai came from the shower and started changing but he forgot to look the door. Fyodor checks if the door is locked, it isn't so he enters but is shocked and extremely disturbed at what he saw. Dazai's lips tremble as he sees Fyodor, he squirms anxiously waiting for Fyodor to say something. "Fedya-" Dazai begins to say, but Fyodor cuts him off as he holds his shoulders tightly and roughly. "Why are there NEW marks of SELF-HARM ON YOU, DAZAI! I thought you said you'd give it up when I caught you 6 years ago!!" exclaimed Fyodor. "I-I Can't!! I can't give it up!! Someone like me doesn't deserve a good life, heck I don't even deserve A LIFE!! I should be DEAD! You should have someone better, Chuuya should have had someone better and I should've been dead instead of ODASAKU." bursts Dazai angrily, as he realizes what he said, he gasps and cups his mouth. Fyodor stands there, "WHAT can I do! TO make you feel BETTER about yourself?! I have TRIED SO MUCH! to make YOU and ME happy!" yells Fyodor, his eyes widen as he sees the hurt look on Dazai's face and he wished that he could take his words back, but he couldn't and the damage was already done. 

Dazai grits his teeth, his eyes become watery as he yells, "YEA! A lot!! Like how YOU and CHUUYA made me DEAF?".

~=:) FLASHBACK (:=~

Back when Dazai was in the Port Mafia.

Chuuya and Fyodor were giggling like a pair of little girls, they couldn't wait to prank Dazai, they might even see the shocked face of the infamous Demon Prodigy. They were at Chuuya's place, as it was the best place to catch Dazai because he wouldn't be prepared about the situation.

They heard a little click clack of shoes out in the hallway, "it's time" whispered Fyodor, "Yea! this is gonna be hilarious" said Chuuya, barely stifling a laugh. Dazai opens the door to see Chuuya with a gun pointed towards him, Fyodor behind him, smiling. Dazai beamed at them, "Good to see I can finally die and that too by the hands of my dear friends". Fyodor and Chuuya flinched, that beautiful smile had sent such cold, distasteful words. Both of them didn't like it when Dazai talked about dying and tried of help him but it was of no use. 

Chuuya chuckled, trying to hide his remorseful face. "Well if you want to die, then choose a gun to kill you, one has bullets and one doesn't but let me warn you, I'll make you wear a collar and call you my dog till you die." Dazai came closer, "hmm, is that so, the dog will try to suppress their master? Well then I most certainly cannot die right now" said Dazai with a mocking tone." Fyodor came with a cushion, on top of it, two guns sat. "I'm gonna let the Dog part go for now, but you'll regret calling me that later, Mackerel." 

Dazai chose a gun, pointing at it with his dainty fingers. Chuuya picked it up and got it ready to shoot, when he pulled the trigger, Fyodor yelled "STOP! THE GUNS GOT SWITCHED". This surprised Chuuya causing him to pull the trigger, Dazai smiled at the coming bullet and dodged but not enough as his foot hit a table, the gun shot his ear, and he stood their for a second, surprised, and then suddenly fainted. "DAZAI!" yelled Chuuya and Fyodor in unison, they didn't want their prank to hurt Dazai, it was just meant to play with his emotions.

They immediately called the ambulance (Dazai's ability doesn't allow the healer of Port Mafia to heal him) and got him admitted to the hospital which was nearest to them.


Fyodor stood there, stunned, with a guilty face. Dazai also stopped for a second, till he started to slap himself "STUPID, stupid, stupid, stupid,stupid,stu-". Fyodor grabbed his hands and brought them to his cheeks, "Don't harm yourself, I can't live with myself if you do that" he said as he kissed Dazai's forehead. "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean anything just please don't harm yourself. I don't want to fight with you, my love!". Dazai just stared at him and gave him a peck on his cheeks, "I'm really sorry! I didn't want to remind you nor did I want to remind myself of that time-" Dazai got cut off as Fyodor gave him a kiss, on the lips. He broke off and said "I don't want you to say another word, love. Lets just embrace each other and enjoy the warmth, yes?". Without waiting for Dazai's answer, he hugged him tightly till Dazai said "What happened to the food, Fedya~Kun?"

Fyodor immediately scrambled to his feet, took Dazai's hand and made him sit down on a chair as he started to panic and finish making the food. Dazai giggled and smiled at his sweet boyfriend, "Guess I don't have to make breakfast today". 


SORRY GUYS!! I didn't send this yesterday cause' my mother made me shut the laptop down so I couldn't continue the story! Also I kinda feel bad about wanting Fyodor to die and want him to live, but who am I kidding of course the rat is alive! FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE FYODOR IS ALIVE. I have so many Oneshots Au's where people allowed me to write so for the time being no requests please!! I might send out one more chapter as a sorry for not sending this one yesterday :D


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