Fall Into Me

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*Julie's POV*

I have been a rougue for two months now. I find different lone packs to sleep with at night, so I'm safe, but I usually go on my own during the day.

I am sitting under a tree taking a break when I hear a sound behind me. I stand up and see two guys standing a few feet away from me.

"What do we have here?" One of the guys say with a wicked smile on his face.

"Looks like a pretty girl. All alone." Another one says laughing.

I try to run feeling scared, but the first one grabs my arm. "Come! Here!" He says, squeezing my arm and pulling me to him.

He starts to kiss me as I try to squirm out of his arms. "LET ME GO!! HELP ME!!" I scream, hoping someone will hear me.

"Shut your f*cking mouth, b*tch!" He says as he covers my mouth and starts to kiss my neck.

Tears start to pour down my face as he kisses me and runs his hands up and down my body.

"Let her go!" I hear a voice say.

"Come get her then!" The guy growls, throwing me to the ground. I feel a sharp pain in my head, and everything goes black.

*Layton's POV*
I was over seeing the guards switching to the night shift when I heard a woman screaming in the woods.

I take off running into the woods, my beta following close behind me. I come into a clearing. I see a guy kissing a girl, and she's crying. The other one is standing off to the side, watching with a stupid grin on his face.

"Let her go!" I say in a threatening tone.

"Come get her then!" He growls his reply . He throws her aside, and she blacks out from hitting her head. My blood boiled at the sight. The guy turns around, and his face turns white.

"I'm sorry, Alpha Rienhart! You can have her!" He says, backing away towards his friend who is just as white as he is. His body begins to shake in fear.

"You are the one who's gonna be sorry! You worthless mutt!" I growl as I shift. I jump him, ripping him apart. My beta jumped on the other guy.

We shift back, and my beta looks at me.
"Get some guys to get rid of the bodies." I say as I walk over to the girl to kill her as well.

Rouges are good for nothing mutts who have been shunned from their packs. All they do is start trouble everywhere they go. So we get rid of them as we come across them instead of having chaos being brought into our pack.

I roll her over, and I freeze being hypnotized by her beautiful face. My wolf started going crazy. "MATE!!"

"What about her?" My beta asks.

"NO!" I growl. "She's coming back with us!"

"But she's just a rouge." He says, looking at me confused.

"She is also my mate, and your future Luna." I say sternly, picking her up. "Get rid of the bodies."

"Yes, sir." He says, bowing his head.

I look down at the frail girl, lying in my arms. My wolf whines at the sight of his wounded mate.

**Authors Note**PLEASE READ**
This isn't going to be a normal werewolf story. I am making up my own stuff to fit my story. Also, it has hardly anything to do with the pack/werewolves. It is more about their romance. I have based this book around one specific scene I thought of. There will also be two different endings.

This is a short story, and it moves very fast. Some parts are short, and some aren't. It isn't an amazing story by all means. I just enjoy writing and decided to post it.

Some songs used go with the chapter or have a specific scene/part to be played at. And some are just songs I like.

They also smile a lot. Lol. But I just associate it with love/the feeling of love and being happy, so that's why.

Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoy!

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