It's Always Been You

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It's been about three weeks. My dad, his beta, and Laytons dad have been to trail. They were sentenced to the death penalty for the kidnapping and rape of a Luna. They were tortured and then burned to death.

I have officially been pregnant a month. And my bump is pretty big.

Things are pretty much back to normal between me and Layton. It feels like how it used to be. We just haven't made that final step yet, but I think I'm ready.

I have planned a cute little date for us for tonight. I started to put together the little fort, but it wasn't coming out right.

The front door opens, and he steps into the living room. "Woah. What's going on?" He says, looking around.

I burst into tears. It wasn't anything to cry over, but my pregnancy hormones have been crazy.

"What is it?" He says, coming closer, rubbing my arms.

"I tried to make a cute fort for us to have a date I planned, but it's not working." I say, crying and wiping my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay." He pauses. "It's the thought that counts." He says, making me laugh.

"Why don't we get some food, and just watch a movie?" He suggested.

"Okay. Just know I did try to be all cute and plan something." I say, crossing my arms.

"I know. It's okay." He says, redirecting me to the kitchen. He pulls out the pamphlets, and I take out my phone.

He went to take a shower while I ordered the food. He comes downstairs and sits next to me on the couch. I snuggle into him, and he kisses me. It grows more heated by the second. I straddle him, and his hands find my waist.

I take his shirt off of him and run my hands down his abs. I smile against his lips.

"I've missed you." I say.

"I've been right here." He replies as he kisses me again.

I go to unbuckle his belt, and he grabs my hands.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply.

"I need you to be 100 percent, baby. I have been waiting for this more a month now. I don't know if I will be able to stop once I start." He breaths out.

"Im sure." I say, kissing him again, grinding on him. I feel him grow under me, pressing against me, making me moan.

I unbuckle his belt and slide his pants down. I slide onto him, pleasure overtakes my body, and I bite his shoulder to muffle my scream.

He lays me back on the couch hovering over me, holding my arms above my head as he slides in and out, making me moan in pleasure. It felt so good, and the feeling over took my body as it began to shake uncontrollably. We finish, and he lays next to me on the couch as we try to catch our breath.

"I love you, Layton." I say my hand in his hair.

"I love you, Julie." He says, grabbing my hand and bringing my palm to his lips and kissing up my arm. My body shivers as he makes it to my neck.

"I hope you always react to my touch like that." He says with a smile on his lips.

"Me, too." I say as he kisses me again.

I feel the baby moving for the first time. I pull away from Layton.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Give me your hand." He does, and I place it on my belly.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Just wait." I say.

The baby moves again, making me smile. Layton looks at me, shocked.

"That's our baby." He says, smiling as well.

We sit there feeling our baby move inside me.

"This is crazy." He says, rubbing my stomach and then kissing me again.

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