All I Want

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It's been a few days, and I have suggested that Layton sees a therapist, but he won't. He says it will ruin his reputation if people find out their alpha was seeing a therapist and that I was all he needed.

I wake up to him next to me. He is snuggled into my arms, his head in my neck.

I looked at the clock and it was six o'clock. "You're late for work." I tell him.

"I have training with the warriors today." He says, kissing my neck, making me squirm. I could feel a smile form on his lips.

"You like that?" He says, getting on top of me and kissing my neck.
I smile, moaning.

He captures my lips into a kiss that sends shivers through my body. He lifts my nightgown up, pulling my panties down. He continues to kiss me as he enters me, making me moan into his mouth.

As we finish, he lays next to me, and we are both breathless. He places a hand over me, and I look at him.

"I love you." He says, placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"I love you too." I say, smiling at him.

We made breakfast together before he went to his training. It made me feel sick. I threw up twice after he left.

His mom came over for lunch.

"So, how has he been lately?" She asks me.

"Fine. Like nothings happened." I say, looking down at my food. "Does he do that every year?" I ask her.

"No, it has built up over the years. He never got to fully grieve. He was too worried about now having to be alpha alone and impressing his dad even more." She says tears in her eyes. "He has always been hard on him."

We finish our lunch and go upstairs to my art room for a while. I started to feel neasous again.

"Are you okay, Julie? You look pale?" She says, looking at me worried.

"I've been feeling so nauseas today." I say, placing a hand on my stomach.

Her eyes go wide. "Could you be..." She pauses.

I look at her.

"No. I mean...I don't know." I say now, panicking.

"Okay. Just calm down. I'll run to town and grab a test." She says, leaving the room.

A little while later, I find myself in our bathroom staring at a positive pregnancy test in disbelief. His mom left she didn't want to know before Layton.

Tears of joy roll down my face as I hear the front door open and then close. I wipe my face and head downstairs.

"Hey, baby! How was your day?" He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me. He always asks even though he knows the answer.

"Good. How about yours?" I ask.

"It was good." He eyes me. "What's with you?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask him smiling.

"I can tell something is up. What is it?" He says, pulling away a little to look at me better.

I pull the test out from my back pocket. He looks at it, and his eyes go wide.

"Are you serious?" He says, shocked.

"Yep!" I say, smiling.

He throws his arms around me, spinning me. He places a kiss on my lips.

"This is amazing, baby!" He kisses me again. "You're gonna be a mom."

"And you're gonna be a dad." I was so happy hearing the words mom and Dad come out of our mouths. It felt so surreal.

"I can't believe this." He says. "We are gonna be parents."

"I know. I made your favorite to celebrate." I say, pulling him into the dining room.

We eat and celebrate our baby to be.

Phone ringing.

"Yes." Julie father says, answering his phone.

"She's pregnant." A man says.

A smile spreads across her father's face. "Perfect timing. Start Phase 1 of the plan tomorrow." He says.

"Yes, sir." The man says.

The call ends.

"She'll be home soon enough with an heir." He smiles at his wife, who laughs.

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