Beyond The Universe-Ending 2

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We take the boys into the bathroom to wash them off before Julie holds them. I walk back into the room while Dr. Johnson finishes cleaning them up to see if Julie is ready to hold them. I look at her, and she looks so peaceful laying there.

"Julie." I say quietly.

Her eyes slowly open, and she smiles at me. I lean down to her. "You did amazing, baby. I am so proud of you." I say, kissing her forehead. Her eyes close as she smiles.

"Are you ready to hold the boys?" I ask her, her eyes opens and I help her sit up.

I bring her both of the boys, and tears fill her eyes.

**Julie's POV**
Layton hands me our sons and tears well up in my eye as I hold them close to me.

**Julie's POV**Layton hands me our sons and tears well up in my eye as I hold them close to me

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"Hi, babies. I'm your mommy." I say as the tears fall down my face. I looked up at Layton, who also had tears sliding down his face. I smile at him, letting out a small laugh.

"You're a daddy." I say.

"You're a mommy.' He replies, kissing my forehead.

I cry happy tears as I hold my boys thinking about how much my life has changed for the better since I met Layton. He is my everything. I would have nothing without him.

"What are we going to name them?" He asks me.

"I thought about Logan and Cash in honor of your brother." I say, looking at him.

His eyes grow wide. "Are you serious?" He asks, shocked.

"I am. I think its fitting since they are twins." I say, smiling.

"I love you, Julie!" He says, kissing me with a huge smile on his face.

"I love you too, Layton." 

I couldn't help but smile. I am so happy with him and couldn't imagine my life without him anymore. He is my everything, and he has given me the one thing I have always wanted in life.

True Love. Nothing could make me forget him or our boys not even death.

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