In My Room

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We get inside and go upstairs. We haven't done it since the time at the waterfall. We didn't want to do it too many times before our wedding. We wanted it to be special for the marking.

He kisses me passionately. I push him onto the bed and turn around for him to undo my dress. He does kissing along my back as he undoes it. It sends shivers down my spine.

I step away from him and turn around.

"I'll be right back." I say, placing a soft and quick kiss on his lips. I go to the bathroom and change into some lingerie.

I walk out, and he is sitting on the bed in his pants and a half unbuttoned shirt. He stops unbuttoning with his shirt and looks up at me. He smiles and stands up, coming closer.

"Wow!" He says, looking at me. "You're gorgeous." He says before kissing me. He makes his way down to my neck and to my ear. "I don't know why you put this on. I'm just gonna rip it off you." He whispers, throwing me on the bed and getting on top of me. One leg between my legs pressing against me and his arms, holding mine down.

I smile up at him, and he kisses me, bringing his leg up more, making my breath hitch. As we kiss, he lets my arms go, and I finish unbuttoning his shirt, and he takes it off, never breaking our kiss. Then I start unbuckling his belt, and he slips his pants off and then kisses again. He took off what I was wearing, and I was left in just my underwear. He kissed me down my body, landing between my legs. He bites it, nipping my skin and making my body cover in goose bumps. He smiles and pulled my panties off with his teeth. He kisses up my body, stopping at my neck.

"You ready?" He asks me.

I shake my head yes, and he sucks and kisses my collarbone before biting me. The mark symbolizes me as his and that I am taken. The process of marking makes you become even closer and as one spirit.

It hurt for a minute, and I tensed in pain. He pulls away.

"You okay?" He asks me, looking me in the eyes, to make sure I'm okay.

"I'm fine." I say, catching my breath.

I kiss him, and as we kiss, it builds faster and faster with more and more heat. He slides into me, making me moan in pleasure, overtaking my body as he kisses me and slides in and out of me.

I wake up the next morning in Layton's arms. I felt so warm and peaceful. I lay there enjoying the moment. His eyes slowly open, and he looks at me.

"Good morning!" I say, kissing his lips quickly.

"Morning." He says groggy, still half asleep. He pulls me closer to him, placing his head in my neck.

"You are so beautiful." He says and kisses my neck.

"Yeah. Because I'm sure my bedhead and morning breath is beautiful." I say laughing.

"It is." He says, turning around and kissing me.

"Layton, stop! My breath stinks!" I say, pulling away and turning my head.

He gets on top of me, holds me down, and kisses me. "Layton!" I say laughing. "Okay! I give up. Stop before I pee!" I say. He stops, and I get up, running to the bathroom. I pee, brush my teeth, and pull back my hair. I notice his mark on my neck, and smile to myself running my fingers over it. I come out of the bathroom, and he isn't in our room.

"Layton?" I call out. He didn't answer. I head downstairs. He was standing shirtless at the stove. He looks up and smiles when he sees me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Making waffles for my Luna." He says, looking back down at what he was doing.

I walk over behind him and wrap my arms around his stomach my face to his back.

"You know waffles is the first thing you made me." I say as he turns around.

"Really?" He says, placing a kiss on my lips.

"Yep!" I say, popping a grape in my mouth.

He finishes up breakfast, and we enjoy it together.

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