That Part

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We get home, and I take a shower freshening up before lunch. I go downstairs, and he is in the kitchen cooking.

"Can I help?" I ask him. He looks at me and smiles.

"Of course. Do you want to put the chicken in the pan for me while I finish the vegetables?" He asks.

"Sure." I grab the chicken and place a few pieces in the pan.

We cook lunch together and I start to think about our future together. Us making dinner while our kids play in the living room. How many kids we will have. Their names. Everything.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks stepping closer to me.

"Nothing." I say quickly embarrassed by my thoughts.

"Come on tell me." He says wrapping his arms around me making me look at him.

"I was thinking about our future." I say blushing.

He smiles. "Like what?"

I blush again. "Kids. Just being together." I say embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed about that. It'll happen." He says kissing me softy as his phone rings.

"Excuse me." He says, walking into the other room answering the phone.

A few moments later, he joins me at the table.

"Everything okay?" I ask him.

"Um... my parents want to meet you." He says kind of nervous.

"Is that a good thing?" I reluctantly ask.

"You should probably know that my dad and your dad have a peace alliance thing going on between our packs." He says.

"What?" I say. "Why didn't you tell me? Will he tell my dad I'm here?" I say, panicking.

"No, baby, calm down." He says, placing a hand on mine. "Nothing is gonna happen to you. I promise." He says, placing a hand on my cheek, which helps me calm down.

"When are they coming?" I ask him.

"Today. They said they were about an hour away." He says.

We finish eating and clean up the kitchen. I went upstairs to put something more presentable on. I hear a knock on the door and head downstairs.

I come down to see his parents sitting on the couch. I stand next to Layton, and he puts his arm around my waist.

"Mom. Dad. This is Julie. My mate." He says, smiling.

A beautiful smile spreader across his moms face. "It's so nice to meet you!" She says, standing and hugging me.

"You, too." I say smiling, enjoying the hug. I've never known the hug of a mother. My mother always resented me for taking my father's attention even though I never wanted it.

His dad stands and walks over to me as well. "It's nice to meet you, Julie." He says, shaking my hand.

"You, too." I say quickly.

"What pack are you from?" He asks.

I look up at Layton, and he nods his head. "Kia River." I say nervously.

He looks at Layton. "A word, son." He starts down the hall to Layton's office.

"I'll be back." He says, placing a kiss on my forehead, and he follows his dad down the hall.

His mom smiles at me, and motions for me to sit next to her.

"My son hasn't looked this happy in years." She says. "Thank you for giving him his smile back and a happy soul behind those eyes."

I smile at her. "He told me about the wreck and losing his twin." I say softly.

Her eyes go wide. "Really?" She pauses looking shocked. "He never talks about it. He hasn't been the same since." She says sighing. "But he's coming back. Thanks to you." She smiles

I could hear voices beginning to raise in his office. His mom gives me a small smile.

**Layton's POV**
Julie and I had an awesome morning. We gave ourselves to each other, and our wolves became one. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met inside and out. I have shared things with her that no one knows about me. I trust her with everything.

My parents showed up to meet her, giving us an hour heads up. She freaked out when she found out our dads have an alliance.

I walk into the office, and he looks at me.

"You have Alpha Milkavich's daughter staying here?" He says angrily.

"Dad, she is my mate. I wasn't gonna turn her away." I say back.

"We have an alliance with him and his pack. We can't afford to break that. We are the two strongest packs. We need to stay together." He says. "We can't break his trust."

"And I can't break my mates trusts. You don't know the full story and what she has been through." I say quickly, getting angry.

"You know what to do. You are the alpha, and you have obligations." He yells.

"I do have obligations. To the pack but also to my mate. And I will protect her at all costs. Even if it means breaking an alliance with her abusive father." I say angrily, clenching my fists. "I am going to marry her then no one can touch her."

"You are making a huge mistake, Layton." He says staring me down. "I knew you were too soft to be alpha. Don't come to me when things don't go the way you want them too." He says walking past me bumping into me.

I walk into the living room and she is sitting on the couch with my mom.

"We should go, sweetheart. We've had a long trip." Dad says.

"Of course." She says, standing up, hugging me, and then Julie.

Once they are gone Julie looks at me giving me a small smile. I return it.

"Yeah, um... we need to talk about some things." I say, sitting down.

She sits next to me, and looks at me with her beautiful green eyes.

"So in order for me to protect you from your dad, we have to be married. Even though we are mates and we have mated. Your dad's beta could still mate you and have no consequences for it. But if we are married and have that bond as mates it protects you and our rights."

She sits there for a moment not saying anything.

"Are we ready for marriage?" I ask him.

I take her hands into mine.

"I love you, Julie. You are my mate, and I will do anything to protect you. We already live together and have mated. Let's just take this step to keep you safe." I say in a serious tone. "Besides we just talked about it a little bit ago." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"I trust you, Layton." She say as she leans on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and kiss her forehead. "I know you will only do what's best for us." She says.

**Julie's POV**

I trust Layton, and I love him more than anything. He is all I have in this world. And if marriage is the only way for me to be protected and to stay with him then I'll marry him. I've thought about it over the past few days that I have been here, and I'm happy, and I have found what I have waited for my whole life.

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