Perfectly Broken

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We wake up the next morning to a loud crash. I jolt awake, and Layton rushes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped his waist.

"What happened?" He asks, breathing heavy and panicked.

"It came from downstairs." I say, scared and freaked out.

He throws on a pair of pants and a t-shirt. "Stay here." He says, leaving the room.

I step out of the room as he walks down the stairs. I slowly follow him. I make it downstairs and see glass all over the floor. He is bent down looking at something.

"What is it?" I ask him as I get closer.

He stands up, and he is holding a rock with a note taped to it. He hands me the note, clenching the rock, his knuckles turning white. I look down at it and begin to read it.

Alpha Reinhart,
You have two weeks to return my daughter and future heir of Kia River Pack to me. If you do not, you will regret it. You might just end up like your brother Logan.
Alpha Milkovich

Anger boiled inside me as I read the note out loud. Layton yells, throwing the rock out the window with a loud crash.

"How dare he threaten us, and our baby!" He growls.

Anger was radiating off of him. He was pacing in front of me, which made me nervous. I have never seen him like this.

"Baby, please clam down." I say, trying to calm him down.

"What does he think I am gonna do just hand you over to him?" He says, his hands clenching into fists. "You are my mate, my wife, and that baby is mine he has no say over you!" He growls. He gets so worked up that he punches the wall, which makes me jump. He takes his phone out, calling a meeting with his beta and warriors.

He called his mom to come over and be with me while he went to the meeting.

**Layton's POV**
I am sitting in my office's conference room waiting for the pack to show up to start the meeting.

"I don't understand what he is thinking. He has no rights over now that y'all are married." My beta, Lucas says.

"I know all he wants is an heir." I say as the last few people walk in.

I stand to start the meeting.

"My wife the Luna, and our child has been threatened by her father Alpha Milkovich from the Kia River pack. We will have double security around our land, and I want security at my house at all times. No one comes onto our land until this is resolved." I say. "We will plan an attack if necessary."

I end the meeting and head home. I walk into the house and don't see my mom or Julie.

"Julie! Mom!" I yell, but no answer. I searched the house looking for them. I find my mom unconscious in the kitchen a note thrown on the floor next to her.

Stupid. Stupid Boy. I knew you would call a meeting. I have her now it is best if you just forget about her and your baby. She is mine now and will raise the heir with my beta. Don't think about coming onto my land. You will be killed on the spot. Sincerely, Alpha Milkovich

**Julie's POV**
I am sitting on the couch when the front door slams open. I see my father, Layton's dad, and my dads beta storming inside. I scream as my dads beta grabs me.

"Let me go!" I scream. "Help me!"

His mom comes into the living room, and my dad hits her over the head.

"No!" I scream as he covers my mouth with a cloth, and everything goes black.

I wake up freezing in a small room with just a bed in it. My head throbbing. A few minutes later, the door opens. My dad and his beta step inside.

"Thought you could get away by marrying Layton?" My dad says laughing. "He is a stupid child."

His beta grabs my face. "I own you now, Julianna Milkovich! Whether you like it or not." He squeezes my face harder, and I spit in his face.

"I will never be yours." I say gritting my teeth. He slaps me. "I'll teach you some manners."

He holds me down on the bed and starts to kiss me. I try to scream as he covers my mouth. I lay there until it was over, tears flowing down my face. How could I do this to Layton? After everything he has done for me? Everything we have been through? I should have never put him through this. I should have never run away. I was so selfish, and now I am betraying him with another man.

He leaves the room, and I sob until I physically can't anymore.

I was here for what felt like months, but I knew it wasn't. My bump was growing. I wish Layton could feel and see it. Even though he will reject me and the baby once he knows what I've done. I still miss, and long for him, to see his bright blue eyes, his handsome smile, to hear him laugh, and to feel his hands roam my body.

**Layton's POV**
We have been watching them for the past two days. When they shift change, when they take lunch, studying every move they make. I've been watching them train also, so I know when the weaker guys are on duty. We have a plan to attack tonight at shift change. It will be their weakest crew, and it'll be dark.

I can't help but think about what they are doing to her. I can't wait to see her and know if she is oaky. I am going to kill her dad, his beta, and my dad. Apparently, he has been keeping her dad updated on Julie, and they had a plan to take her all along.

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