You Set My World On Fire

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The baby could be here any day now. I am about ready to pop. Me and Layton have been working on the nursery for the past few weeks, getting it ready for the baby. We went with a black, white, and grey color pallet since we don't know the gender.

We have also been talking about names, but little does Layton know I have the name already picked out

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We have also been talking about names, but little does Layton know I have the name already picked out.

We just finished up the nursery. I take a step back and look at it satisfied with our work.

"It looks amazing, Layton." I say, wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you."

"It's what you wanted?" He asks.

"Even better." I say, placing a kiss on his cheek.

I feel a pain go through my stomach.

I double over, grabbing my stomach, groaning in pain.

"Baby, what's wring?" He asks me.

"I think I'm having contrations." I tell him, looking up at him.

"Are you sure?" Another one hits, making me yelp in pain.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I say, taking a deep breath.

He helps me to our room and my water breaks.

"Call Dr. Johnson." I say as another one hits. "Tell they are really close together, and my water broke."

He calls him, and about 20 minutes later, he shows up. I was in so much pain, and I didn't know what to do.

"Let me have a look." He says. "Oh my!" He gasps.

"What is it?" I say panicking.

"The baby is already crowing. You need to push." He says.

Layton takes my hand as I push. I scream in pain, and after a few pushes, I hear a cry. I feel relief wash over me.

"It's a boy." He says, holding him for me to see. I feel tears well in my eyes.

"Want to cut the cord?" He asks Layton.

He smiles proudly as he cuts the cord tears in both of our eyes.

I felt another contraction, making me scream in pain.

"Is that normal?" Layton says with a worried look on his face.

Dr. Johnson looks back under and comes up shock.

"There's another baby. It's twins." He says.

I look at Layton, who looks too shocked to move.

"Julie, you need to push!" He says.

I push, and after a few pushes, I once again hear cries.

"Another baby boy!" He says, holding him up also.

"Layton, want to cut it?" He asks him.

"Ugh..." He clears his throat. "Yeah." He says, approaching him and cutting the babies cord.

They take them into the bathroom to wash them off before I hold them. I couldn't wait to hold my baby boys.

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