Lose Control

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As the sun starts to go down, we get in our places, ready to attack. Once the shift change was complete, we attacked. I shift pouncing on him, ripping his throat out. I take off running through the woods towards their village. I see more guards with Lucas next to me, we pounce on them. I rip two of their throats out and hold down the third one.

"Where is your alpha and my father!" I growl.

"I will never betray my alpha!" He snaps back.

"You die either way, so tell me!" I say, slamming his head on the concrete.

"Which one is his house?" I snap, biting his neck but not enough to kill him.

He screams in pain. "I'll tell you!"

I let go. "Where he is?"

"His house is the big white one with blue shudders." He says groaning in pain. I rip his throat out, taking off to his house, Lucas, and a few others behind me.

I barge into the house seeing a woman on the couch. She looked like Julie it has to be her mom.

"Where is he?" I growl. She had a terrified look on her face.

"First door on the right." She says.

"Someone take her." I say. Lucas follows me down the hall. I enter the room, and my dad sits there he looks at me with a wicked grin.

"You finally decided to show. I figured you came to your senses and decided to move on." He says standing.

"Where is she?" I growl.

"Forget about her son. She is here and is his beta's now." He steps around the desk.

"She will never belong to him! She is mine!" I growl pouncing on my dad. He shifts and fights back, throwing me against the wall, which only fuels me more. Me, and Lucas pounced on him, attacking him.

"Don't kill him." I say backing away.

I pick him up. "Now, where is she?" I ask him.

"I'll never tell." I drop him to the ground. "Put him with her mom." I say as two of my men drag him out.

"Let's go." I say Lucas and some of my men following me.

I run around the grounds, and I get a whiff of her scent. My wolf is going crazy. I follow her scent to a building. It looked tiny. They had two guards standing out front. I jump one, and Lucas, the other, ripping their throats out. I open the door, and it goes straight down some stairs. Her scent grows stronger. I run down the stairs and down the hall, tearing apart anyone in my way.

Her dad steps outside of a room, and his eyes light up when he sees me.

"Finally decided to join the party?" He asks me with an evil smile on his face.

"Move before I kill you!" I growl. He shifts, pouncing on me, almost getting my neck. I fight back, slinging him off of me. His beta comes out of the room, and they both jump me, her dad nipping my neck. Lucas gets his beta off of me. I could smell Julie on him, which made me go crazy. I threw her dad off of me, making him crash into the wall, leaving him unconscious.

I pounce on his beta. "Did you touch her!" I growl.

"I've done more than touch." He says, grinning at me.

I almost lost it. "I want to rip you apart and tear you throat out more than anything right now, but I want you to die slowly and painfully." I growl at him.

"Get them out of here." I said, gesturing to her dad and his beta. Lucas and one of my men drag them out.

I shift back to my human form and enter the room, my blood boiling at the sight of my mate laying there covered in bruises and no clothes on. Her little baby bump brings a smile to my lips as I walk over to her.

Losing Control Over YouWhere stories live. Discover now