Beyond The Universe-Ending 1

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We take the boys into the bathroom to wash them off before Julie holds them. I walk back into the room while Dr. Johnson finishes cleaning them up to see if Julie is ready to hold them. I look at her, and she looks so peaceful laying there. 

"Julie." I say, and she doesn't reply. Something felt off. I shake her, and she doesn't move. "Julie!" I say panicking now. "Dr. Johnson!" I yell. 

He comes running into the room. 

"She's not waking up!" I say freaking out.

He lifts the covers.

"She's hemorrhaging." He says. 

He comes around the bed and checks her pulse. He looked up at me, and I could feel his answer. I knew she was gone. 

My wolf howls for the loss of his mate, and I cry for the loss of my love, my everything. My whole world just slipped away in one split second. 

I kiss her forehead, saying the words I didn't have the chance to say to her. "You did amazing, baby. I'm proud of you." I pause as tears slide down my face. "Our boys are beautiful." I press my head to the side of hers as I cry. "I love you!"

**5 Years Later**
I walk out to her grave with a twin holding each of my hands. They take off running, knowing right where she is. I follow behind them. 

"Hi, Mommy!" Logan says.

"We brought you your favorites, mommy." Cash says as he places the daises by her headstone.

They looked at me, and I had tears in my eyes. "Why are you crying, Daddy?" Cash asks me.

"I just miss mommy, buddy." I say as I squat down, pulling them into my lap. "I wish she could have gotten to know you two. She loved you guys very much." 

"Even though she never knew us?" Logan asks.

"Yep! Just like how you guys love mommy, even though you never knew her." I tell them.

"We do know, Mommy. She's in here!" Cash says, pointing to his heart.

"Yeah, buddy, she is." I say as I wipe my eyes and look over at the waterfall as memories flood my mind.

" I say as I wipe my eyes and look over at the waterfall as memories flood my mind

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I might not have gotten to hold my boys or tell Layton I loved him one last time. But I got what I had dreamed of my whole life. A family. A mate. And true love. 

Nothing could make me forget my boys, or the love of my life, not even death.

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