I Get To Love You

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It's been about a week. His mom has been staying with us, and she isn't letting us share a room. She says it's bad luck to share a room the week before the wedding. Layton isn't too happy about that. Me and his mom have been planning the wedding, and Layton has been working on some big projects he has going on along with some others in the pack but only a handful of Layton's guys.

His mom is the sweetest. We have gotten pretty close. It makes me think about what it could have been like with my mom. But his dad on the other hand is still mad with Layton and refuses to even talk to him. He says he won't be at the wedding.

"Julie? Are you okay?" Mrs. Reinhart asks.

I snap back to reality. Layton looks up from where he is working over at us.

"Yeah, sorry. I zoned out for a second." I say, running my hands over my face.

"I guess we do need a little break." She says, getting up and refilling her coffee mug.

"What else do we need to figure out." I ask her.

"Flowers and your dress." She says, sitting back down. "And then we are done."

"I think I want daisies." I say, flipping through the floor catalog.

"Why daisies?" She asks.

"I have always loved them. They remind me of happiness and being a kid. My grandma had a daisy field behind her house. My cousins and I would play in it growing up. She told me they symbolize purity, innocence, new beginnings, and joy." I say. "Perfect for a wedding."

"I agree. I'll put the order in." She says, picking up her phone and walking into the kitchen.

(Play Song)
I walk over to Layton, who is sitting on the couch working on his computer. I walk behind the couch, wrapping my arms around his neck. I kiss his cheek.

"Are you ready for some lunch?" I ask him.

"There is something I want to show you." He says, closing his computer standing up.

"We'll be back, mom." He yells as he takes my hand and drags me out of the house.

"Where are we going?" I squeal as he takes off running, pulling me with him.

"You'll see." He says. He shifts into his wolf. I freeze this is my first time seeing him in his wolf form. He looks at me. He was beautiful. He was huge, solid black, and kept his bright blue eyes. I shift. I have a tan coat that matches my blonde hair, and I keep my green eyes.

"Follow me." He says through mind linking. We run through the woods, chasing each other.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"You'll see!" He says, running up some rocks as I follow him.

We get to the top, and he stops. I come around the corner and freeze at the beautiful sight in front of me. We were standing in a daisy field looking at a beautiful waterfall.

I look at him, and he jumps in the stream, splashing me. I squeal and chase him. He turns and jumps on me. We roll down a hill and into the water. It was shallow, and I could feel the water flowing under me. Out of breath, we both shift back, laying there catching our breath. He was on top of me. He smiles and moves my hair from my face, kissing me.

"Thank you, Layton." I say, placing a hand on his face.

"For what?" He asks.

I smile. "Making me feel loved."

He smiles, kissing me again, and my mind goes to the other night and how much I have wanted him since.

"I want you." I say breathless.

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