Until I Found You

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I wake up the next morning to the sun rising. I was lying in Layton's arms. I felt this warm feeling flow through my body as I smiled to myself. I look over at him. He was still sleeping. I move the hair from his face. He looked so calm and peaceful. I just lay there staring at him. The last thing I remember from last night was looking at the stars wrapped in his arms.

His eyes slowly open, and he smiles at me. "Good morning." He says in a groggy voice, placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Morning." I say, smiling back at him as he pulls me closer to him.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. This is actually very comfy." I say, snuggling into him, as he lets out a small laugh as our eyes meet. His beautiful blue eyes stared into mine.

"You're so beautiful." He says, kissing me gently. We pull away and look in each other in the eyes. We kiss again, this time more heated. He flips me underneath him, his hands moving all over my body. My hands go to his hair as the kiss grows more passionate. He takes my dress of me and continues to kiss me. I started to unbutton his shirt, but he pulled away quickly.

"F*ck!" He says, getting off of me.

"What is it?" I ask him breathless from our kiss.

I sit up and look at him. His shirt was still opened a little, and I could see a scar on his stomach.

"Is it from the wreck?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything as he finishes buttoning up his shirt. "We should head home." He says, handing me my dress.

"No." I say quietly. He just looks at me. "I want you to talk to me." I say, searching his face. I could feel his nervousness.

"I don't want to talk about it, Julie." He says, sitting my dress down, and I grab his hand. He looks at me.

"Last night, we agreed on no secrets. Please talk to me." I ask in a concerned tone. He runs his hands through his hair and sits down.

"I have a lot of scars from the wreck." He says, not looking at me. "When we were hit, I went through the windshield." He pauses. "My body was all cut up from the broken glass, and it left scars." He says, finally looking at me.

I start to unbutton his shirt. He lowers his head, watching me, then looks back up at me when I finish. I look at his scars, running my finger over them slowly. He just watches me. I lean my head down and start to kiss along each scar. He lays down, breathing heavy.

I make my way up and capture his lips into mine. He kisses me back, and as it grows more heated, he rolls over, getting on top. He kisses my neck, making me moan. As he kisses my neck, his hand slides down my thigh and between my legs, making my breath hitch. He pulls my panties down.

"You're wet." He says as his fingers press against me gently, making me breathe heavier, wanting to feel him more.

"Layton." I moan.

"I love hearing you moan my name." He says before kissing me again.

I unbuckle his belt and undo his pants. He smiles at me as he slides his pants off. He kisses me again softly.

He pulls away, looking me in the eyes. "Are you sure about this?" He asks. "This starts the mating process." He says, searching my eyes.

"I've never been more sure about anything." I say, smiling.

He kisses me like he has never kissed me before with so much passion, and...love.

He pulls away and looks me in the eyes.

"Ready." He asks softly.

I just shake my head. I was so nervous. Does he it actually hurt? I think to myself, shutting my eyes tightly a little scared.

"Open your eyes, Julie." I do as he says, staring into his blue eyes.

"Don't close your eyes. Just look at me." He says.

I stare into his eyes as he slides into me. My breath hitches. It hurt for a second, but it quickly turned to pleasure.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I say, catching my breath.

He slides in bit by bit to let me get used to him. He was so gentle with me and checked on me throughout. Once he was in, he pulled out and then back in slowly. His head dips to my neck, and he starts to kiss and bite me as the speed built up. The combination of the two put my senses in overdrive. I couldn't think straight as the pleasure built more and more. I was moaning, and I couldn't take it. I bite his shoulder as my heart starts to race out of control, and my body begins to shake uncontrollably. As we finish, he collapses next to me.

I look at him, and he is staring at me with a smile on his face.

"What?" I say now smiling as well.

"I love you, Julie." He says.

I look him in the eyes, searching his face. I could feel his love for me and the bond of our mates. I was so happy in this moment with him. He is everything and even more than what I thought my mate would be.

"I love you too." I say with tears in my eyes. "You are the reason I left. I wanted to feel the love and connection of true mates. And it is more amazing than I ever imagined." I say with tears in my eyes.

He smiles and kisses me. It was soft and sweet. We lay in each others arms just being in each others presence.

"You don't have to, but I want you to move into my room. I want to wake up to you every morning from now on."

"I'd like that." I say, smiling. "But right now, I need food before you, meet hangry me, and change your mind." I say, getting up.

He lets out a small laugh. "Nothing could ever make me change my mind about you." He says, looking at me with those blue eyes. I couldn't help but smile. I am so happy with him and couldn't imagine my life without him anymore.

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