Chapter One - Getting Things Ready

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Just for the basics

Y/N = Your Name

H/L = Hair Length

H/C = Hair Color

K/N = Kingdom Name

E/C = Eye Color

F/C = Favorite Color

S/C = Skin Color

Today was a very important day for Prince Gumball and the Candy Kingdom. Princess Y/N was coming to the kingdom later today, and Gumball wanted to make a good impression. Not only for himself but his kingdom as well.

Prince Gumball gathered all of his servants around in the early morning. For them to get the castle perfect for Princess Y/N would be a bit difficult. Most of the servants spent their time goofing off while they cleaned.

Some of them got hurt trying to prank the other servants. Peppermint Maid helped Prince Gumball bake the sweets for the dinner tonight. On the inside Prince Gumball was nervous and terrified to meet Princess Y/N.

He stayed calm on the outside, acting normal like any other day. "Uhm, Prince Gumball?" Peppermint Maid said while tugging on Prince Gumball's shirt. Prince Gumball pulled out a tray of chocolate chip cookies and put them on the counter.

"Yes?" Prince Gumball said while smelling the freshly baked cookies. "Are you nervous my lord?" Peppermint Maid asked while pulling out the icing from the fridge. Prince Gumball gave out a chuckle. "Nervous? Never! What made you think I was nervous?"

"Well it's just that you baked the same cake three times already." Peppermint Maid began to frost one of the cakes. Prince Gumball looked at the three chocolate cakes on the counter. "Oh," Prince Gumball let out a small laugh of embarrassment. "It seems that I have..."

"It's okay my lord, we will find something to do with the other two." Peppermint Maid smiled and put the other two chocolate cakes in the fridge for later. "Everything will be fine." Peppermint Maid said while giving Prince Gumball a small smile.

Prince Gumball sighed and took off his apron. "I just need everything to be perfect for when she arrives. Having a well respected kingdom really means a lot to me." "I will do my best to make sure Y/N's visit is perfect." Peppermint Maid gave a smile and went off to clean.

Prince Gumball sat at the table and sighed, thinking of all the things that could go wrong during the visit. Prince Gumball slouched over and put his head on the table. "I can't wait for this day to be over." Gumball said quietly to himself.

Gumball was lost in his own unrealistic scenarios of what could go wrong that he didn't hear the kitchen door open. "What's up with you?" Gumball heard a familiar voice say. He looked up to see Marshall Lee, the vampire king standing right next to him.

Marshall had his bass with him. Gumball quickly stood up from his chair. "What are you doing here?! Marshall Lee you can't be here!" A smile formed on Marshall's face. He always took pleasure in making Gumball mad and flustered.

"What? I just came to visit my friend." Marshall said with a fake smile. "I'm not your friend! Get out!" Prince Gumball yelled at Marshall. "Why do you want me to leave so bad, Bubba?" Marshall picked up a red velvet cupcake.

Gumball snatched the red velvet cupcake out of Marshall's hand. "These aren't for you." Marshall grinned and started to poke at all of the baked sweets. "Which one is mine Bubba?" "Shoo! Get out!" Gumball whined while pushing Marshall away from the baked sweets.

"I'm expecting someone very important today, and you're not going to be here to mess it up for me!" Gumball pushed Marshall out of the kitchen only to have him come back inside again.

"What's so important about this person?" Marshall was actually curious, he knew it wasn't Fiona since she had to clear out a cave later today

Gumball crossed his arms and gave Marshall an angry look. "For your information she's royalty." Marshall laughed and floated closer to Gumball. "And? Last time I checked I was royalty as well, and I'm a king. So you know what that means Bubba? I outrank you." Marshall grinned.

Gumball's face turned red with anger. "I'm going to kill you!" Gumball tried to punch Marshall, but Marshall picked up Gumball before he could. Gumball started to throw punches in the air. "Put me down so I can kill you Marshall!"

Marshall couldn't hold in his laughter. "Just calm down first! Okay, what I said might have been a little too much I admit." "Put me down! You know I hate to be lifted!" Gumball started to kick his legs, trying to get them on the ground.

"Why do you think I do it..." Marshall snickered and put Prince Gumball back on the ground. "You're so annoying." Gumball scoffed and adjusted his clothes. "Aww man, sorry I don't live in a pretty pink castle like you do." Marshall said while thumping Gumball on the head.

"Don't touch me." Gumball glared at Marshall Lee, who had a big grin on his face. "Alright, alright. Look, I won't be here when your little royal friend comes by okay?" Marshall patted Gumball's back as he said that.

Gumball gave Marshall a suspicious look. "Why would you do that?" Marshall sighed and groaned. "I'm trying to be nice to you." Gumball was still suspicious of Marshall's sudden kindness. "But wh-"

Peppermint Maid busted into the kitchen interrupting Prince Gumball. "My lord, she's here! She's early!" Peppermint maid yelled while grabbing a plate of cookies to put out. "So it's a she?" Marshall smirked a bit.

Gumball gave Marshall a death glare. "It's time for you to leave now!" Gumball shoved Marshall out of the kitchen roughly. "Hey!" Marshall shouted while being pushed away. "And don't come back until the day is over!" Gumball shouted to Marshall as he shut the door on him.

Marshall smiled at the thought of Gumball being embarrassed in front of this mystery royalty girl. 'What was so special about her' Marshall thought. 'I guess I'm just going to have to see for myself...' Marshall picked up his bass and flew off, waiting for nightfall to come again.

Gumball did say 'Don't come back until the day is over'...

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