Chapter Seven: Breadcrumbs

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The smell of the fire stained your skin, it was the first thing your body recognized as you opened your eyes in the plush pink queen-size bed crafted out of the most expensive fabrics. The tailors were already in their chambers last night, so you'll be meeting with them today under Prince Gumball's orders. A rush feeling of relief washed over you. You rested your head against the fluffy pillow and closed your eyes again. 

No darkness. Only the demented green yellow flames that flashed in Butterscotch Butlers eyes. The fire burning on the hotel ceased deep into the night but the fire inside of your head was burning with a passion of hatred. How could you forget? You sat up, pushed the covers off of your body, and went over to the window overlooking the courtyard. 

Nothing down there except scattered servants, gardeners, and horses munching on their green breakfast. A gentle knocking on the door tore you away from the open window. You stood up straight and brushed away the creases in your tattered little dress before you spoke. "Who is it?" You asked gently while approaching the door. 

"Good morning, Y/N," You already knew who it was by the tone of their voice. "It's Gumball, may I enter?" You slid your hand across the chain lock and dropped it slowly so he wouldn't heard. "Of course!" Your hand found its way to the candied doorknob to open the door for him. Gumball was wearing clothes in a flashier attire than usual, as if he were going to host a masquerade ball.

"I'm so sorry you had to sleep in your dress last night. Forgive me. I have the tailors just behind me to begin working on your new wardrobe. Gumball's fingers snapped together, three little gumdrop servants rushed in holding measuring tape, fabrics, and color palettes for you. Gumball smiled at you, he looked away suddenly with embarrassment. "If you don't mind, will you come down to the dining hall and see me for breakfast after they assist you?" 

The tailors were already surrounding you, measuring your arms, torso, and legs, while the other gumdrop draped different fabrics against your limbs as the other held up color shades against your skin tone. You were flustered but in a good way for a chance, so many people scrambling to help you since you lost it all. "That would be lovely!" You managed to say to him with eye contact while the little gumdrops swarmed around you in unison. 

Gumball nodded in agreements and saw himself out, his hand graced the doorway and he took one more moment to look at you again. You met his gaze but as soon as you did, he was slipping out of sight. What a gentleman he was. You felt that same heat rising in your face again but you pushed it out of your mind. The gumdrop tailors were like Cinderella's own little rodents. They giggled at the process they were making.

A lace fabric for the bottom of your dress, under a satin F/C base underneath. Medium sleeves that stopped above your elbow and a heart shaped cut for your collar. The gumdrop tailors rushed out of the room for a moment, they came stomping back holding a white gown in their little hands. "We may have to make adjustments as you wear it," they all said in unison, "We had to guess from your photos!" Photos? The gumdrops handed the dress off to you, it was a simple white gown that resembled sleep attire or possibly a simple wedding dress.

You accepted it graciously, feeling the fabric with the tips of your fingers. "What did you mean by my photos?" You asked them while continuing to examine the dress in your hands. They stood there with smiles still on their faces. "Your photos!" They clapped their hands together in excitement for you trying on the gown. "They were all in black and white so it was hard to pick a color but white always works!" It appears the little tailors had no idea the weight their words carried. 

"Care to tell me more?" You slipped the gown over your arms and over your body, it fell down smoothly and stopped at your ankles. You slipped your current dress from underneath out of your arms and off your body. It fell to the floor beneath you. "Gumball showed us your photos before you arrived, he said we would need to know the correct way to design for you but we told him we ain't miracle workers!" They gleefully ran over towards your feet to pull on the bottom of the dress to remove and wrinkles. 

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