CHOICE: Search for Gumball

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The hues of green and yellow from her eyes struck fear and panic into your heart. You watched carefully as she slowly made her way down the etched chocolate staircase. She turned the corner and it triggered your flight response. You ran down the stairs with the bottom of your dress clenched in your hands. Butterscotch Butler wasn't in sight any longer.

You ran down the long corridor, with no idea where you're going, but you ran and ran until running into some gentle looking people. They look surprised at your 'rude' behavior of running throughout the castle like a princess in a fairy tale novel. "Whoa missy, where ya running off to?" The man in striped slacks asked you with one brow raised.

You felt the heat of embarrassment on your cheeks. This isn't Sleeping Beauty, people are roaming around in this castle for whatever duties they may have. "My apologies for my sudden appearance. I'm staying here for a while, I'm Princess Y/N-" The gathering of three immediately bowed right there in front of you before you could say more.

"Thank you," You spoke quickly, "I don't know where Gumball's chambers are, can you please point me in the right direction?" The trio gave each other unsure looks, then stared back at you, possibly checking out your character. The man in the striped slacks spoke. "Certainly. Down the hall to the left, then the right, then the left again, then another left, up those stairs." He gave you a cheeky smile.

Those couldn't be real directions, right? It sounds like a maze. You waited for them to let out echoing chuckles of humor but they never did. They were serious. "Oh, thank you, have a wonderful evening." You waved off to them and recounted the steps over and over in your head so you wouldn't forget. The decor of the castle almost seemed too perfect to be real.

Everything was polished finely, not a crumb or speck of dust in sight. The plants scattered throughout were all real and vibrant as if they were still in their natural homes. Gumball must take good care of this place. Could Marshall's words about Gumball be true? Everything he said didn't show in Gunball's actions at all.

Was Marshall jealous or hurt over everything that happened at the dinner? Was he jealous of how polite and caring Gumball was towards you? The kiss, that could explain the kiss. Maybe it was all wrong. Maybe you were all wrong. Left, right, left, left, bump- "Oof!" You heard softly. You and the other person stumbled back a few steps. "Y/N!" Gumball said with a laugh.

You looked up to see his gentle smile and seemingly matching eyes. "Sorry- I was looking for you actually." You straightened yourself out as you fixed your posture. "Oh, well, good timing. I'm here." Gumball called you to follow with his finger, he was heading back in the direction he came from. "We can talk privately in my quarters."

Gumball walked casually ahead of you. You took the opportunity to examine his outfit. It seems he changed clothing since arriving at the castle, his attire was on the edge of casual chic. His hair was still brushed back as it always was every time you saw him. It suited his style well. The doors to his chamber were golden arches with deep pink doors. Almost everything in this kingdom was plastered with some shade of pink.

Gumball opened the door for you, you took the first step inside and he followed suit. The doors were silent when they were shut. "What is it you wanted to talk about? Have you talked to the tailors yet? You can pick out the fabrics and cuts if you wish." Gumball was walking towards a neatly organized desk, he sat down and placed his hands on it elegantly.

"I haven't yet, but thank you for doing all of this for me. I don't know what I did to deserve it." Gumball waved his hand in the air as a way of saying 'don't worry about it'. You continued to speak. "I wanted to ask you . . . with the condition in which the fire started, is it safe for me to stay here?" You stood perfectly still in your spot. Gumball's expression had a flash of confusion.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Gumball's tone was soft. "I don't know, the fire was unnatural. Surely it was magic. Powerful magic to cast such a complex spell." "Magic is all around us, Y/N, you're right about it being complex. Whoever cast it must have years of practice. But no one was injured. It's being investigated but I doubt anything will come from it." Gumball pulled stacks of papers out from a drawer in his desk.

"I'm more than happy everyone was safe but your property, my belongings, were still destroyed by this fire. Don't you find that more than concerning?" Gumball fell silent, his eyes met yours. "I'm terrified knowing it seems to target you. That's why I need you here. There's no safer place in the kingdom. I promise, your safety will not be compromised." Your stomach sank. You didn't but that together. The fire only destroyed your things. Everything you needed was in that room, all destroyed out of this realm.

"Why would someone do this to me?" You sat down in a chair, feeling light headed now. "That's what I'm going to find out, Y/N, no matter what it costs." Gumball stood up from his desk and walked over to you. He gently placed his hands on yours, you looked up into his glittering pink eyes. "You're my top priority. Nothing bad is going to happen to you again. All you owned will be replaced, but I must apologize for the emotional torture this caused for you."

Gumball's fingers intertwined with yours, the comforting gesture was almost enough to take away the ill feeling. "Thank you, Prince Gumball." "Come now, Y/N, you need to rest after everything you've been through. I'll escort you back to your chambers."

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