CHOICE: Follow Marshall

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As you watched Marshall Lee and LSP scuffle towards the exit your feet followed in heavy pursuit. You were right behind them now, they didn't seem to notice you, or if they did there wasn't enough care to turn around. The doors to the banquet hall slammed shut behind you. Marshall had LSP's arm in his grip. He pushed LSP away from him in visible frustration. "What the glob was that?!" Marshall demanded answers from the purple pouty prince. "I told you he was eyeing me! He was planning something against me, I wasn't going to let him make the first move."

LSP crossed his arms in a defensive stance against Marshall. With his signature scoff he rolled his eyes. "What? You think I'm going to let him embarrass me in front of everyone? As if." Marshall ran his fingers through his hair. He almost grabbed it out of frustration. "So you tried to kill him?" His words were laced with annoyance yet there was genuine curiosity behind them. LSP pulled out his cell phone from inside his coat pocket. His fingers furiously tapped on the screen. "I'd rather him be dead than ending up as the main article on a gossip column." LSP shoved his phone into Marshall's face. LSP was scrolling his finger against the screen repeatedly to show him the vast articles based in Aaa he reads daily.

Marshall's expression recoiled as he pushed LSP's hand away from him. He looked over towards you and his expression softened tremendously. LSP continued to scroll on his phone, whatever he was doing completely captured his attention. Marshall walked past him to get over to you. "I'm sorry that stuff happened, Y/N. LSP isn't usually that . . . bold." He flashed you a sheepish smile. LSP's actions seemed to bother Marshall more than him, even though it was his own doing entirely.

"Does he normally try to kill people?" You looked over Marshall's shoulder to get a peek of LSP, who stopped looking at his phone to meet your gaze. Before the vampire could answer, LSP spoke up. "A guys gotta do what a guys gotta do." he placed a fierce hand on his hip. He was proud of what he had done. Marshall waved his hand at him as a polite way to tell him to stop talking. "Ignore him. He's a good person. He just lets his ego get to his head sometimes."

"I am CONFIDENT." LSP snapped back to him, which Marshall didn't respond physically or verbally. Maybe it was the dramatics of this entire situation or the sheer adrenaline from almost witnessing an attempted murder wearing off, but a soft laugh escaped from your lips. "I hope I'm not over stepping, Marshall, may I ask why Gumball was mad at you?" You could see Marshall's face drop into an unusual expression you haven't witnessed since meeting the seemingly confident and slightly cocky vampire king.

"Dunno." He quickly fixed his demeanor into the relaxed one that served as his default. "I'm always grating on his last nerve." "Well..." You offered him a soft tone of voice to comfort him. "If it means anything to you I thought you did wonderfully." You could have sworn a smile was about to appear on his face.

The doors to the banquet hall crashed opened with a harsh thud that echoed into the nights air. You flinched in surprised and turned around to see two banana guards peering past you. "Over there!" One of the guards pointed directly at LSP, who was standing there with both hands causally hanging by his sides. "He called the guards?!" Marshall floated off his feet and looked at the banana men that were fast approaching LSP.

"You lumpy buffoon!" Marshall gritted his teeth and snapped his head towards LSP. "See you later, hopefully, Y/N!" He grabbed onto LSP's arm and pulled him in the opposite direction of the fast approaching banana guards. You stood there, absolutely stunned. Marshall and LSP turned a corner with unbelievable speed. The guards rushed past you and headed after them.

Did this really happen? Was a royal dinner interrupted by a prince trying to end the life of another royal? Aaa was starting to seem like an unpredictable place filled with many dangers ahead. The only thing you were sure of was to keep a safe distance from LSP. You had no other choice but to head back inside the banquet hall.

When you entered many of the royals were discussing the events that just unfolded. Gumball was nowhere in sight and neither was Breakfast Prince. You sat in the seat you occupied previously. The conversation you had with Marshall and Gumball were replaying in your mind. The two boys seemed to have a strange relationship and rivalry hidden between them.

You pushed the thoughts out of your head the best you could. It didn't matter now. Surely tonight would cause some sort of political war, it was no time to be pondering the history of two royals in the same province. A gentle tap on your shoulder pulled you away from your thoughts entirely.

You turned to meet eyes with a short yet well dressed woman. "Hello, Y/N. I'm Gumball's butler, Butterscotch." Her accent was almost too prevalent for you to understand. "Gumball has arranged safe transportation for you." "Oh! Well... I suppose the night is over after this..." Before you stood up, Butterscotch offered you her hand.

She helped you out of your seat and guided you across the banquet hall, back outside where you were just standing with Marshall Lee and LSP. The carriage was there waiting for you. The driver hopped off the the box and opened the door for you with a gentle bow. Butterscotch Butler helped you find your footing inside the carriage.

As you sat down inside the deliciously decorated and comfortable carriage seat, Butterscotch was about to shut the door for you. "Miss!" You called out, she stopped halfway. "Would it be wrong of me to ask for you to relay a message to Gumball?" Butterscotch stared at you with no emotion, you were afraid you had overstepped the line.

"Can do." She said, waiting for your response. "Let him know I want to see him tomorrow." She gave no expression but she nodded. The door to the carriage was closed gently. The driver pulled himself back up onto the box and grabbed the licorice reigns.

As the banquet hall grew distant you couldn't help but wonder how the chase was going with Marshall Lee and LSP. The more you thought about it the stranger these events played out in your mind. It was unlike anything you have ever witnessed before. 

You spent your entire life in the royal lifestyle. You were a princess for glob's sake. Everything seemed so normal. Intuition was something you normally heavily relied on. It never failed you. The vampire king,  Marshall Lee, you said in your head. He seemed close to the prince of lumpy space.

The energy shared between Gumball and Marshall was noticeably strange. Would Gumball really throw the king in the dungeon if he was caught fleeing and avoiding arrest with his friend? Could an innocent pink prince do that? He gave you the impression he couldn't harm a fly.

"Focus, Y/N." You whispered to yourself quietly. Minutes in the carriage felt like hours. Your body was drained entirely, your eyelids closed all on their own as you felt relaxation from the steady speed and occasional bumps in the road. 

Royalty VS Royalty ~Marshall x Gumball x Reader~ (NEW CHAPTERS!)Where stories live. Discover now