CHOICE: Follow Butterscotch

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Butterscotch's eyes returned back to normal, the flames reduced inside her pupils. "I've been to the dungeons." She said, adjusting the sleeves of her petite coat. "No trace of them there. But deeper below . . . the depths of the castle, the darkest corner . . . the catacombs." LSP's eyes widened slightly, his chest huffed fast. "Catacombs? Dead people?!" Butterscotch shot him a glare, the dramatic purple prince was on the verge of hyperventilating. "My soul is, like, way too pure to go down there! I would be possessed by some ugly old ghost who never saw someone as hot as me before!"

Butterscotch reached out to slap his cheek but you grabbed onto her wrist before she made contact. "Don't, I already roughed him up earlier." You looked over your shoulder to see if Marshall heard. He didn't, he was escorting Ice Queen very slowly, soothing her with sweet words. "Let's go, she doesn't seem aware of what's going on and we need to find them before she's coherent." Butterscotch nodded in agreement with you, she linked arms with LSP. His mouth formed a perfect "o" shape of horror. Marshall opened the door, the clicking of the latch was unmistakable.

"I'm taking her to my home. She needs familiar surroundings. If you need her, you know where to find her." Marshall didn't let anyone respond, he already stepped outside the banquet hall hand in hand with the queen of ice. "Can we trust him to keep her there?" You asked the butler, she gave a soft nod. "She won't flee. She's drained." Butterscotch looked to LSP, he was absolutely terrified of what could be down in the darkest depths of the castle. She smiled. "You're from space and you're terrified of what lurks beneath land." She teased him. "There's no freaking skeletons in space!" He responded, biting his lip. "Oh, how I have to disagree with that one." She smiled again.

LSP gulped. The chanting from the fire citizens was still ongoing. They demanded the return of Fionna, who they called "Fionna the Human" in rhyming demands. "We must bring Flame Prince with us." Butterscotch pushed the door open with her free hand. "He's unable to walk," you were stopped by the orange glow emitting from down the hallway. "He'll have to manage if he wants to save Fiona." LSP let out a dramatic gasp. "Save her from what? Ghouls and demons?!" Butterscotch laughed at his expression of fear. "Cobwebs, at most. He's made of fire. He's a walking torch."

Somehow that didn't cross your mind. The idea was perfect and he was even wielding a sword. The three of you approached him, he was standing up now with his hands on the window, overlooking his excited crowds. The two little fire citizens were sitting upon his shoulders, like the portrayal of an angel and devil on each shoulder. He was bright orange now, the way you first saw him when he confronted Gumball- Ice Queen wearing Gumball's skin, with anger in his eyes. He turned to look at you, he smiled, walking away from the window to you. "Y/N, you saved my life back there."

"I'm so glad you're okay. You weren't looking well." Flame Prince looked to both of his little saviors with a bright smile. "I'm alright. My knee hurts like a biscuit but I'm fine. She really did a number on me." He patted his still swollen knee. "We have reasons to believe Fionna and Gumball are hidden in the catacombs. We require your assistance to help us navigate the dark tunnels." Butterscotch locked eyes with him, you could see him perk up at the mention of her name. "Right!" He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. "You two go off now, tell them everything you heard now, and make sure they stay safe." FP spoke yo the little flames, they hopped off his shoulders and landed on the window ledge.

"Stay safe!" One of them said, the other waved his little hands in the air. "Bruise some booty!!" They laughed, grabbing each others hands and beginning the great descend down the tower wall. Flame Prince was smiling now, he was so close to reaching his 'friend' Fionna. His smile faded. "Where's the ice witch? Have you killed her?" You looked to Butterscotch, she had her signature poker face frown. She batted her eyelashes at you, trying to say something you didn't catch. "She's no longer kickin'" she said to him, his smile returned. "May her soul be lost for all eternity. Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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