Chapter Three - The Royal Dinner

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All the royals gathered in Aaa tonight for what would be the 25th annual Royal Dinner, where all the kings, queens, princes and princess's would gather for a feast together, as a sign of peace among their kingdoms. Well, all except the Ice Queen. And as tradition, each royal brought their own special dish to the dinner.

Lumpy Space Prince brought his special bean casserole. Breakfast Prince brought a pancake tower with syrup waterfalls. Slime Prince brought a lemon-lime slime jell-o. Hot-dog Prince brought a lasagna. Wildberry Prince brought all sorts of fruit pies. Flame Prince brought cinnamon strudels. Raggedy Prince brought chocolate cupcakes. Turtle Prince brought chicken noodle soup. Ghost Prince brought a special dish of a ghostly three layer cake. And all the other royal prince and princess's brought their own special kind of dish, except for you.

It was your first time attending The Royal Dinner, no one has to bring a dish when it's their first time going. You walked into the castle with Prince Gumball, Marshall Lee was following closely behind. All the royals were gathered at the table chatting with each other, everyone was having a good time so far. Although Lumpy Space Prince was busy text fighting with his on and off again girlfriend Brandy. It wasn't that bad, luckily.

You, Prince Gumball and Marshall Lee were standing in the doorway of the Grand Dining Hall. "Uh... Princess Y/N, why don't you go ahead and sit down and socialize for awhile? It will give you time to introduce yourself to everyone." Prince Gumball said to you. "Aren't you going to come?" You asked Prince Gumball. "Yes, but I need to inform Marshall Lee of the things he must not do while he's here." Prince Gumball gave Marshall Lee a small glare. "Jeez Bubba, I know all the table manners and all that other junk. I'm not some feral animal." Marshall snickered. Prince Gumball sighed and took a deep breath. "I just want to make sure you'll behave and won't disturb any of my guests."

"Uhm, Prince Gumball, if I may intrude for a moment, I can make sure that Marshall behaves appropriately." Prince Gumball smiled at your kind offer. "Oh no Princess Y/N, I cannot ask you to do such a thing like that. I'm sure the Banana Guards will keep him in line." Marshall Lee groaned loudly out of boredom and impatience. "Okay so, what is it that you DON'T want me to do?" "Well..." Prince Gumball started, "No flying, or chewing with your mouth open, don't play with the food that you are given, don't joke about biting the guests, don't show them your fangs, don't put your elbows on the table, don't interrupt anyone, and well, just be respectful. Okay?"

Marshall Lee sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Okay, yeah, I can do that I guess. But it better worth it." "Worth it?" You and Prince Gumball say in unison, only to be interrupted. "Oh my Glob you guys, It's Marshall Lee! I can't believe you're here this time! Freakin' sweet!" Lumpy Space Prince yelled from his seat at the table from across the room.

You, Prince Gumball and Marshall Lee walked into the grand dining hall, all the royals turned their attentions to you. There were three open seats left. One at the end of the table, one next to Flame Prince, and one next to Lumpy Space Prince. Prince Gumball sat in the seat at the end of the table. You sat next to Flame Prince and introduced yourself to him, as he did the same in return. Marshall Lee took the seat next to Lumpy Space Prince.

"'Sup LSP?" Marshall Lee fist-bumped Lumpy Space Prince. "I'm like, friggin' starving over here. Glad you took your sweet time to arrive." LSP playfully scoffed, which Marshall gave a smirk in response. He leaned over to whisper into LSP's ear "Yo, this isn't as chill as I thought it was going to be. Plain boring man." "Ya, and that boot lickin' butter boy keeps eyeing me." LSP flicked his finger to the boy in question who just so happened to be a prince himself.

Breakfast Prince, the smug little pancake who thought badly of LSP. Marshall knew a little of how they felt towards each other but he never paid it any mind since he knew LSP could take care of himself well. Sort of well. "Yeah, he's got evil eyes or something." Marshall snickered to himself, he didn't care if LSP heard his mockery.

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