Chapter Nine: Cold Shoulder

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A blast of blue light and cold air filled the room entirely. Small shimmering snowflakes began to fall from the ceiling inside the room, as if that would ever be possible without the consequences of powerful magic. Gumball continued to scream his agonizing wails that split into two different voices, his semi masculine droning was swirling with a feminine shriek of terror. Gumball lowered his body closer to the floor, the light shredding through his skin all over. His flesh was melting. Globs of his bubblegum essence fell to the ground in sticky streaks.

Butterscotch rushed over to you and Flame Prince, who was unable to stand on his own without your aid. He was leaning against your body with his knee raised in the air. "We must head for the door!" She charged past you both, beckoning for you to follow her with her little hands. "Marshall!" She yelled, "Bring your purple friend!" Butterscotch said with her back turned to everyone. You began to lead Flame Prince out of the room with his limped movements, LSP and Marshall were off their feet in matters of seconds. Butterscotch almost made it to the door.

Another blast. White light emerged from Gumball along with a powerful wave that knocked Butterscotch down, it pushed LSP and Marshall soaring through the air and if you weren't leaning against Flame Prince you both would have met the floor below. "Aah!" Butterscotch slid across the room. The doors were shut with a harsh slam. You led Flame Prince over to a pillar he could hide behind for his safety, then ran to Butterscotch to help her up. It could have been a bad decision but she was the only one trying to get everyone out of the room.

Butterscotch looked deep into your eyes when you knelt down and offered her your hand of support. There were no evil green flames or hollow abyss coming from her. She was surprised but quickly accepted your hand, she pulled herself up fast and turned to Gumball. Gumball's entire body had melted into the previously shiny tile decorated with royal symbols, his fingertips and toes were still twitching for mercy. The snow was starting to pile up now and cover the bits of pink goop stuck to the floor. As his body spread out in a puddle, something emerged from the middle of him. Something untouchable from the snow.

A woman clad in a dark blue gown gasped for air desperately. Her thick white hair almost resembled the mane of a lion. Pieces of gum were tangled in her white locks. She tried to claw her way out of the sticky bubble gum but it was no use, her dress, skin, and hair were held down by it. Marshall Lee looked over his shoulder from where he laid on the ground from the blast. His eyes grew wide when he saw the blue woman struggling in a sea of pink. "Simone!" He cried out, desperately scrambling to his feet to get to her as fast as possible. "You know her??" You asked as he whipped past you, just a blur in the corner of your eyes.

Butterscotch placed her cold hand on your shoulder, it made you flinch. For a moment you almost forgot it was snowing. "That is the ice queen. I knew it wasn't our prince Gumball." Ice Queen. Flame Prince. Snow. You looked over to Flame Prince, he was no longer that fiery fierce sword wielding prine, but a burning out damp young man struggling for oxygen. You acted on instinct. You ran over to him and slung him over your shoulder as if he was nothing. He only responded with a weak dry cough. He felt lukewarm. It was like an embrace from your loved one, if only his warmth wasn't the cost of his body dying.

"Oh Marshy!" The Ice Queen called out, her hands outstretched in front of her and her fingers webbed with bubblegum. "It's all over me! Oh, oh, it's trapping me, Marshy!" She continued to struggle to no avail. "Stop moving!" He urged her, she stared at him with a blank expression without moving, then immediately started flailing around again. LSP stood around watching everything go down, with his flip phone in his hand recording it all. Butterscotch was trailing behind you. "Y/N!" She called out, you didn't bother looking at her, you continued leading Flame Prince to the hallway where it was dry. "He'll be fine," She snapped her fingers, a small spark shot from her hands at Flame Prince, causing him to inhale deeply, his flames slowly growing and his color slowly returning.

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