CHOICE: Follow Marshall

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Butterscotch's eyes returned back to normal, the flames reduced inside her pupils. "I've been to the dungeons." She said, adjusting the sleeves of her petite coat. "No trace of them there. But deeper below . . . the depths of the castle, the darkest corner . . . the catacombs." LSP's eyes widened slightly, his chest huffed fast. "Catacombs? Dead people?!" Butterscotch shot him a glare, the dramatic purple prince was on the verge of hyperventilating. "My soul is, like, way too pure to go down there! I would be possessed by some ugly old ghost who never saw someone as hot as me before!"

Butterscotch reached out to slap his cheek but you grabbed onto her wrist before she made contact. "Don't, I already roughed him up earlier." You looked over your shoulder to see if Marshall heard. He didn't, he was escorting Ice Queen very slowly, soothing her with sweet words. "I think I should go with them. Marshall seems sweet on her, I need to make sure he doesn't help her escape like he did with LSP. . . No offense, LSP." LSP scoffed and crossed his arms, but he knew you were right. Marshall was too kind hearted to abandon his friends, even if they were doing evil.

Butterscotch stared at you, more like through you, but ended up smiling slightly. "Yeah, yeah. Come back soon. Don't even consider leaving our lands." Butterscotch linked arms with LSP, who looked absolutely horrified with an exaggerated expression of fear and panic across his face. Marshall was holding the door open with his arm as he walked Ice Queen out the door, his hand still linked to hers. You couldn't imagine which pair of claws was sharper between the two. "Wait up!" You called out to them. Marshall looked over and smiled when he saw you.

Ice Queen was stumbled ahead of you, strands of her hair hell to the ground as the result of being ripped out of her head from the gum. Her hair color was as white as the snow she controlled. "Where are we going?" You asked Marshall. He gently patted the queen's hand. "We're going back to my place. I have so much to show her. You'll see it, too, you'll understand." Marshall's words left you unsure despite his best efforts. The queen was mumbling about the cold, the bitter, distant, lonely cold she mentioned before. 

Your questions burned in the back of your throat like scorching metal. How does Marshall know this queen of ice? Was she actually wearing Gumball's skin or was this some sort of spell? Did Marshall also know you were an Assassin? Marshall was still acting how he always was towards you, his kindness laced with a casual cool guy attitude. The Ice Queen was taller than the vampire king, you looked down to her gown and noticed she wasn't wearing shoes. She was at least a foot or two taller than the lanky vampire.

As the sunlight hit her pale blue skin, she hissed and covered her face with the long flowing sleeve of her gown. She showed more of a reaction typical to a vampire more than Marshall did, who just pulled up his collar and hid behind her in the shadow of the train on the back of her dress. Marshall only spoke to soother her when she was becoming hysterical. It would happen when she mumbled to herself too long about numb fingertips and movement in, "the darkness" she kept calling it.

Marshall couldn't walk the rest of the way to his home hand in hand with her, so he decided to steal a carriage parked outside of the castle. The flames that engulfed the castle were no longer there. You came to the conclusion that it was a barrier put on by Butterscotch, it would explain why her magic was so low and no one could leave or enter castle grounds until she figured out what was going on with Gumball . . . and possibly your presence as well. The crowds of flame people were still present outside with their chants and signs.

Some of them were beginning to riot but the majority of them were peaceful protesters. Marshall opened up the door to the carriage for the Ice Queen. She hesitated before stepping inside, she covered her ears with both hands at the sounds of the crowds. "Make it stop, please, my ears can't take it!" She cried out, shutting her eyes tightly. Her fingers grasped her hair hard as she pressed her palms over her ears. "We're about to leave, don't worry." Marshall smiled to  her, his hand was on the door, he looked over to you with a nod and shut the carriage door.

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