Chapter Four - It's Always Time For Tea

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The next morning you woke up with a bit of drool dried in the corner of your mouth and the determination to execute your plans precisely. You were going to find a way to reunite Prince Gumball and Marshall Lee the Vampire King. Err. Or at least get them to talk face to face in the same room.

You laced up your F/C boots, styled your H/C hair into something casual yet stylish. You were about to grab your mirror from your nightstand when you realized the dagger sitting beside it. It seemed to gleam in the sunlight from the mirror's reflection.

Surely you wouldn't need it. Well. . . would you? With the dinner fiasco from LSP, you realized you truly have no idea what you're getting yourself into by going anywhere in this kingdom. It seemed to call your name.

It's just lunch. Just tea. Just lunch and tea you've secretly invited two people who don't seem to like each other into the same room without any idea whatsoever of how they would act towards each other.

You grabbed the dagger and slipped it into your boot. The cold steel against your leg sent a shiver down your spine. You couldn't imagine actually plunging it into the flesh of anyone, even if they were a sticky pink mess like Prince Gumball or the hardened vampiric flesh of Marshall Lee.

Well at least your aim was well enough to where you could accurately penetrate his heart. If need be, of course. Now you were thinking of possibly murdering them both. Manifesting this type of energy couldn't be good for anyone.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of your mind, you walked out of your bedroom with everything you needed for your plan. Hopefully the two boys wouldn't catch on from your scheme, they were smart but didn't seem too aware for the most part.

Marshall would be arriving first, then Gumball. You would be hiding in the balcony above to observe the boys. As the plan should go, Marshall will arrive and be distracted by the overwhelming amount of food you ordered for the "event" he was invited to.

While he's distracted he won't notice Gumball coming in. When Gumball notices him it will be too late, the doors will be shut behind him with candy canes slipped between the door handles. They will be forced to talk about what happened at the dinner.

If things get too heated you'll jump down from the balcony, hopefully landing on the plush jelly filled donut tray in front of them. Then you'll . . . well, you don't know, you don't know how any of this will actually go.

You softly pushed open the door to the now empty building. You scanned the entire room with your eyes, you didn't spot anyone. Slipping your body inside, you slowly shut the door and sprinted to the balcony stairs. "Is this crazy?" you repeated inside of your head with every hasty step up.

The balcony was clean, organized, and smaller than you anticipated. You clutched your hand around the top of the balcony wall and peered over. It was higher than you imagined in your head, and you noticed the table was nowhere under it.

"Bullocks." You sneered at yourself. You ran from your spot up there, all the way down the stairs, back onto the main floor again. You looked around for something to move under the balcony that wouldn't look suspicious.

Moving the buffet table could take too much time and effort for just one person, but it seems like that's the only choice you had. You picked up the table cloth and placed your palms on the table. You slowly began to push the table, minding the shaking trays sitting above.

Footsteps. You kept pushing the table. FOOTSTEPS! It hit you, someone was outside the entrance. You looked at the stairs and back at the doors. You wouldn't be able to make it up the stairs in time. The footsteps stopped and the door began to open.

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