Chapter Eight: Curtain Call

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The fiery figure emitted a threatening glow. He stood tall with his hand drawn on the handle of his sheathed sword displayed in full view on his hip. Gumball stared at the boy with no emotion whatsoever. The hot-headed stranger looked directly towards you, and for a moment, he almost looked doubtful. "State your name and occupation." You opened your mouth to speak, before any words left your mouth Gumball moved in front of you. The man had a firm grip on his sword as Gumball moved. "She doesn't have to do any of that, and you don't have to do any of this. Why are you here in such dramatic fashion?"

He scoffed at Gumball's words. His flames grew brighter and more intense in a flash. "Dramatic?" He laughed again, slowly pulling out his sword from the holder. "I've been very patient with you, Gumball, you should be grateful because I've never been able to stomach you. I tried to do this the political way, the 'right way' to hell with it all!" His blade seemed normal as he pulled it out, but with a harsh flick of his wrists the blade was aflame just as he was all along. "You've ignored my urgent letters, my couriers I've made chase after you, are you foolish enough to think I wouldn't show up here after being ignored?" He continued to approach in slow footsteps.

"FP!" Gumball raised his hands above his waist to show he was unarmed. You grabbed onto the back of his shoulders, pulling his back into your chest. "Who is he?! What's going on?!" "Who are you?" He hissed, pointing the tip of his sword directly at you. "If you're involved with this I'll make sure to deal with you both to the extremest punishments." Gumball looked over his shoulder at you, he mouthed words to you that didn't comprehend in the moment. You stared at his face blankly before he turned away, looking back to the weapon wielding stranger. "Involved in what?!" You took your hands off Gumball's shoulders, he shot you a look of surprise and what seemed to be annoyance.

"Tell me who you are." He demanded, sword tight in his hands. "I'm Y/N, Princess Y/N." His expression of rage and concentration softened. He lowered his blade slightly, his eyes looked away from you and onto Gumball. "Take me to her. Now. No more delays or excuses." Gumball stood there tall, he stared back at FP, or whatever his name was. "Who is he talking about?" You stared at Gumball for an answer but he didn't acknowledge you. FP drew his sword high. "Fionna! Take me to her, now! I know she's in here!" Gumball flinched as the sword was raised, he walked over to the table and reached for that little bell from earlier. "Fionna??" You stepped away from Gumball, and tried to keep your distance from FP.

"The girl, Fionna," FP began to speak as he inched towards you, his sword still pointed at Gumball. "She was knocked unconscious during a battle with The Ice Queen. Gumball was there, he helped, with the assistance of Marshall Lee, we managed to banish Ice Queen back to her realm but Fionna remained unconscious." Gumball's expression was still unreadable, he grabbed onto the little bell and clutched it tightly in his hand. "Gumball swore to take her back to his kingdom to nurse her in good health, my kingdom isn't well equipped with such means. It's been an entire month. I haven't been allowed to visit her, I have no clue what her condition may be. I've sent him countless letters everyday begging to know. He never responded. He's keeping her here."

"And what of Marshall Lee, Flame Prince!" Gumball shouted at him. "Why are you barging into my castle alone, harassing me and my guest, and accusing me of holding Fionna hostage? What makes Marshall Lee the one you turn a blind eye to?" Flame Prince, with a devilish little smirk, lowered his blade completely. "I didn't come here alone, Gumball, as a matter of fact, Marshall Lee is just outside the castle." Suddenly you heard it, the chanting outside of the castle, voices of different pitches saying the same thing over and over in rhythm. "Free Fionna! Free Fionna!" The voices were only growing closer. Gumball's neutral expression turned into a twisted mirror of hate. He rung the bell quick and harshly.

Flame Prince swung his sword at Gumball, the tip of the flaming blade hit the bell and sent it flying across the room. Gumball yelled out in pain from the heat burning his hand. Panic filled your body, you saw Flame Prince raising his arms, you ducked under the table, the cloth obstructed your vision. You heard the sounds of the door opening, approaching footsteps you couldn't connect to with the person. "Stop your madness!" That accent. The butler. "Send him to the dungeon, now!" Gumball's venom cut a chord in your soul. This wasn't right. It didn't even sound like him. You quickly crawled to the other side of the grand table, you saw the entrance door was wide open from under the cloth.

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