Chapter Two - The Arrival

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A F/C carriage pulled up to the gates of the castle. The door to the carriage opened and Princess Y/N stepped out in a beautiful F/C dress that complimented her E/C eyes.

Her H/L H/C hair blew in the breeze brushing up against her clear S/C skin. Prince Gumball could not believe what he was looking at. Y/N was something simply beautiful.

He could feel a faint blush creep upon his face. "Welcome Princess Y/N, to The Candy Kingdom." Prince Gumball held out his hand for Y/N to take.

"Thank you Prince Gumball, I am glad to be here." Princess Y/N said with a smile while grabbing Prince Gumball's hand. When she smiled it only made her look more beautiful.

Gumball tried his best not to stare but it was hard. Prince Gumball escorted Y/N in all parts of the castle, except the off limit areas of course.

Whenever Y/N would be admiring something in the castle Prince Gumball took the time to admire her true beauty. "You have a very lovely castle." Y/N said while admiring some of the art on the walls.

"T-thank you, Princess Y/N." 'Glob I can't believe I just stuttered!' Gumball scolded himself in his mind for his stuttering. 'Hopefully she didn't notice...' Gumball thought.

"No problem." Princess Y/N replied with a smile. Gumball looked down to his shoes to hide his blush, while he was smiling like a complete goofball.

"I have to be honest about something. I am a little bit nervous about the royal dinner tonight." Y/N said while fixing her glove.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, just don't sit next to Lumpy Space Prince and you'll be fine." Gumball laughed. Princess Y/N nodded and laughed about Lumpy Space Princess.

The two were about to spend time getting to know each other better. Prince Gumball has escorted Princess Y/N all around the Candy Kingdom. She met the citizens and had a good time.

Gumball was amazed that Princess Y/N didn't catch him staring at her. Not only was Y/N beautiful, she was also kind and very caring.

She had excellent manners, which was something attractive for Prince Gumball. Every step she would take was like pure grace.

Gumball wasn't sure if it was possible to love someone you've only known for a short time, but he was sure that he felt something for her. It felt like more than a crush. It felt like more than just attraction.

As the day grew darker, a knot in Prince Gumball's stomach started to form. He knew something bad was going to happen, but he didn't know what. "Bubba!" Marshall Lee popped out of a bush and screamed.

"Ahh!" Prince Gumball jumped up from his seat. "Marshall what are you doing here?!" "I came to meet your little friend." Marshall said while eyeing Princess Y/N.

"No! You leave Y/N alone." Gumball grabbed Y/N's hand trying to lead her away from the vampire king. "Oh yes, hello Princess Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you." Marshall said with a fake bow while snickering.

"Gumball? What is going on?" Y/N asked, confused. Prince Gumball let go of Y/N's hand and sighed. "Y/N, This is Marshall Lee. Marshall Lee, this is Y/N."

"The vampire king." Marshall added with a smirk. "Vampire king?" Y/N asked. Gumball sighed and face palmed. "Yes, he is the vampire king." "Ah, don't be so upset Bubba." Marshall patted Gumball's head.

Gumball swatted Marshall's hand away. "Just leave." You could hear the annoyance in Gumball's voice. "You know, I should be invited to the royal dinner." "Well you aren't." Gumball replied.

"Technically I have a right to, as royalty." Marshall said with an evil smirk. Marshall was right, he could attend the royal dinner if he wanted too. Gumball had no choice in this. "Fine, but you better behave."

Prince Gumball and Princess Y/N went back to the castle to prepare for the royal dinner. Marshall followed the two, but he only had his eyes on one of them. Princess Y/N.

This will be an interesting dinner...

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