CHOICE: Follow Gumball

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You hiked up your dress and ran after Gumball and Breakfast Prince. Gumball turned his head to you and gave you a soft smile. He was telling you it's alright to be following them. "I don't know what to think." Breakfast Prince said quietly. Gumball hushed him sweetly and reassured him everything was going to be fine.

The three of you made it up the top of the staircase. Elegant candy coated double doors stood in front of you. Gumball pulled out a skeleton key from his pocked and popped it inside the lock. Without Gumball touching it the doors opened on their own.

Gumball was still holding onto the hand of Breakfast Prince. He took a step inside with the young royal tethered to him. The candy doors closed on their own accord as well. "Why did this happen?" You looked towards Gumball who frowned. His eyebrows furrowed and he let go of Breakfast Prince, who was now sitting down on a chair.

Breakfast Prince's eyes darted towards you both. "He's a lunatic." he exhaled. "I barely know him, he acts like he knows me. Like he knows everyone." You crouched down beside him to get better eye contact. Gumball walked from you both. He headed towards the window and pulled the curtain back to peer outside quickly.

Under the candy cane streetlight Gumball saw Marshall and LSP having a heated discussions. He shut the curtains quietly. "I want something done about this." Breakfast Prince was serious. He shot a look at Gumball, who stood there a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, of course." Gumball replied with confidence. "I'll begin to fill out a ban right away." Gumball walked towards a desk. He must use it to sign bills or when he's reading documents regarding the kingdom. "A ban?" Breakfast Prince stood up fast. "I don't care if he's the 'space prince' he committed a crime and I want him treated like any other criminal."

Gumball calmly placed the pen he just pulled out on the desk. "Oh yes . . ." something about the way his words left his mouth seemed unsure. "Guards!" Gumball hollered, immediately, the door opened up to reveal two banana guards standing with pointy spears. "LSP has not left the premises." The guards adjusted their grips on their weapons. "He's just outside the entrance. Arrest him on sight."

Without wasting a second the guards made their exit, stomping down the stairs. You could hear their heavy footsteps growing distant. Now that the deed was done, the air in the room was silent. Perhaps everyone was waiting for the next sounds from Marshall and LSP's impending doom.

Gumball cleared his throat while fixing the stack of papers he was going to fill out for the ban. "My guards know what to do. I'm so very sorry this happened, Breakfast Prince." Breakfast Prince huffed in response. He found no reason to thank Gumball for taking appropriate action. He looked over to you, his fave visibly studied yours. "I don't believe we've met. You've heard my name."

Gumball stepped forward to introduce you. "This is Princess Y/N, she comes from K/N." You and Gumball locked glances. He smiled when he looked away from you. "Interesting. Y/N. Foreign names have the strangest ring to them." Breakfast Prince shook his head as if he was clearing his thoughts. "Will you be a witness, Y/N?"

"Oh? A witness to the scene?" You felt embarrassed asking for more information, everyone seemed to know the obvious way to go about this. Breakfast Prince was going to say something to you but Gumball spoke first. "I can take care of it, Y/N will agree." Something about Gumball making decisions for you didn't sit right.

Breakfast Prince did seem satisfied with his response though. There was nothing left to be done right now. The guards were expected to make the arrest of LSP tonight, he would be jailed and punished in the dungeon. Right? Gumball and Breakfast Prince excused themselves to discuss future action against LSP for his reckless and (somewhat) dangerous behavior.

Under normal circumstances you would have left, but you felt the need to ask Gumball more questions about what he said. Gumball made his final farewells to the young prince. He directed his Butterscotch Butler to make arrangements for safe travel. Gumball slowly closed the doors. As soon as the latch clicked he wiped nervous sweat off his forehead.

"What did you mean by 'I'll agree'?" Your words made Gumball jump, like he forgot you were even there. He turned around with a nervous chuckle and bright smile. "I just needed him to leave. This will all blow over, I promise. It always does." "Always?" You asked him with confusion. "These sort of things happen often in your kingdom?"

"Well . . ." Gumball began to pace in front of the doors. "No, it doesn't. My people are eccentric. The land is just a reflection of my people." "Candy people, yes? Was he not from lumpy space?" Your words made Gumball's face drop. He realized you were right. The land may be strange like he said, but LSP was not of his kind.

"I must be honest with you, Y/N." A shaky breath and sharp inhale helped Gumball collect himself. "My political situation isn't well. I'm slowly losing control of neighboring kingdoms. It's a reason I invited you here, although our presence hasn't been mutual." You were silent. Gumball took noticed and stared at you for a response. He looked to your hands to see any sign of emotion.

His expression softened when he realized the gloves were in your favor color. He looked up at your shoulders, they seemed tense. He wanted to say more to reassure you. He wanted to apologize for not being transparent. But the silence was the better option in a professional sense. He waited for you to break it.

"Is that why you give Marshall the cold shoulder?" You wiped away the wrinkles begining to form on your dress. It was a response he wasn't expecting and a question he would of never guessed to be asked. "Marshall and I have known each other for years. We've never seen eye to eye. We only agree on the safety and well-being of our citizens."

You gave a nod to Gumball. It was starting to look like he didn't know you at all. He musthave formed an idea of you in his head, a delicate princess who had no idea what was going on in the world. You had no idea what was happening in their world but you were no fool to the royal business.

Him withholding the truth didn't upset you. You were more concerned with what exactly he thought you could do for his land. It was late into the night now, you were beginning to feel exhaustion creep up on you. "If you don't mind, Gumball, I would like to head back to my residence now. I need to rest. I'm sure we'll have a lot to discuss tomorrow."

Gumball agreed with you, he grabbed a small bell that was hanging from a rope. He yanked the rope elegantly, the charming chime tingled in your ears. He opened the doors and there stood his butler you saw earlier, Butterscotch. Gumball instructed Butterscotch Butler to pull a carriage around front for you.

He offered you his hand which you accepted out of manners sake. The two of you slowly walked down the steps. You almost caught him looking at you a few times. He escorted you all the way out of the building and to the carriage itself. It seemed a bit flashy for regular folk. You began to wonder if it was a special one to escort the royals.

Butterscotch Butler opened the carriage doors for you. A whiff of brown sugar filled your nostrils immediately. You placed on foot inside the carriage while Gumball's hand steadied your body into place. Your bum met the seat and your head turned to look at him. He was standing there with both hands placed on his hips. Something about the pink prince gave off the feeling of naivete, but you knew part of his true intentions now.

Your mind was exploring endless possibilities of what this visit could bring. The driver was about to pull of when you said his name. "Gumball?" You stuck your head out of the carriage window to communicate more clearly. He looked up at you with sparkling eyes. "Yes, Y/N?"

"Give my word to the vampire king. I wish to see him tomorrow." You bumped the inside of the carriage with your F/C shoes to signal the driver of wanting to leave. Gumball had no chance to respond and you didn't look at him while the banquet hall rolled past your windows.

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