Chapter Five: Confronting the King

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Gumball slapping Marshall across the face was still fresh in your mind. You could hear the sound of his hand making contact with the king's cheek as if it just happened beside you. Why would the prince strike him in such a way? What was he so afraid of when it came to Marshall's words? His voice remained in your head.

"We were almost more." Almost.

You were given brief education in regards to Aaa before your departure. You learned all about the regions and their origin stories of how they came to be. Despite all that, The Candy Kingdom was the only area you knew, and not well at that. The vampire king.

He must be somewhere he can hide during the day. There was a directory board in the middle of town. You ran back to it quickly and pulled out the dagger from your boot. The map was grand but you only needed one piece. The caves. You stabbed the board with the dagger and cut out the piece of map with a swift slash. The sun was setting faster than you thought. Thankfully no one was around.

You folded up the map. It was an outline of the areas beyond the safe kingdom walls along with directions to various shops and businesses. You could see it in the distance, although you weren't sure if the king would actually be there. It was your best bet. You stuffed the map into your pocket, all of your attire had appropriate pockets for any occasion. Insisted by the tailor, of course.

You took your time striding out of the candy gates. They looked different from when you first arrived. The caves didn't look too dangerous or far away. You estimated it would take less than 15 minutes to walk there safely. The twilight sky over Aaa was steadily washing over everything. It was almost too beautiful to be real. Living art. You wish you had a camera to snap this moment forever.

The grass around the kingdom walls was trimmed expertly as well as the shrubbery and roses. The fields beyond were wild and unkempt. You felt the weeds tangling in the ends of your dress and the occasional rough sticker clinging to your body. It was too difficult to keep your eye out for snakes but you were certain there had to be some slithering around the unoccupied mess of the fields.

How did we get here. The princess visiting the neighboring kingdom. Meeting the royals and learning their ways. You were supposed to be well on your way back days ago to report your findings. LSP turned the entire thing around without even knowing it. Or did he? He seemed to think something was up with Breakfast Prince, but maybe his words were right and LSP was just a lunatic.

A flickering white light within the caves caught your eyes. It looked small in size but the glow was nothing to scoff at. You placed your hand over your forehead to try and focus your eyesight better. It was no use. You kept moving forward. The further you approached you were able to make something out. The shape of a house.

From where you were standing the house seemed like a medium sized wooden cottage. You couldn't tell the condition, but the light you were seeing was now recognizable as a porch light. You scanned the surrounding area before moving towards the home. No one seemed to be outside. There was a faint light within the house. You saw sheer curtains hanging in the windows. The stairs to the porch seemed withered and old, they creaked as you grabbed onto the rail and barely placed the tip of your toes on the first step.

A louder creak in front of you made you stop in your place. You looked up to see the previously closed front door was slightly ajar. It suddenly opened more with a harsh pull. "I'll send you to the nightosphere, fool!" Marshall jumped out onto the porch with a large red axe he held above his head. You jumped back from the stairs and held out your arms in the shape of an X as a defense for the blow that never came.

Marshall's eyes were like something you've never seen before. Surrounded by black with deep red pupils that resembled a hissing cats. They flashed back to normal as his expression softened. He slammed the axe down on his side, it was tilted towards you. You could see it wasn't actually an axe but an instrument. "Y/N?" He asked while taking a step closer to you.

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