The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 2

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(Second Chapter, I think that I am going to write maybe five to six chapters, and see what everyone thinks, and what I think, obviously, I don't want to write about something that I rather not. The chapters will be put out at random, but most likely within two to three weeks there will be five, maybe sooner. I haven't fully decided what I want to do yet, we'll see how this goes, it is just an idea, or a concept I should say, but if people like it, of course I'll continue writing it.)

(Also - Not Edited - might have some grammar issues)

Liam Carnell

It has been a week since I came into this world, and to be honest, being a baby kind of sucks. It's not like when I was a baby last time and don't remember a thing, I am consciously aware of everything that goes on, but I am not in control of my body. I don't know how many times I have peed in my pants, or pooped in them, it is embarrassing. I've also had to do some other questionable things, but I rather not get into that.

I was currently in my baby crib, it was made out of pure gold, the bars everything, it was gold. It didn't take me long to understand that my parents in this world were extremely wealthy, well, they were the King and Queen of a Kingdom, the Kingdom of Villena.

The bed I was on was so comfortable, most of the time when it's time for my nap, as soon as they place me on here, I pass out. I had just woken up, but it appears as if no one is around at the moment, they probably thought I would sleep a little longer, it was the middle of the day. My body got tired at an extreme rate, I didn't like that, I enjoyed being up and learning the new things that this world had in store for me.

I haven't learned anything on magic sadly, my dad talks about it a little, but never in detail. I do know, and from what I have gathered, not everyone is a mage, the people that can manipulate mana, which was in the atmosphere, but I can't sense it yet. The stories that they read to me are normal children's books, not normal, but they are stories designed for children in this world.

I heard the door crack open, and some spoke up, it wasn't my mother, it was a maid. "Is the Young Prince up?" I could hear her walking my way, I believe it's Emma, she was the maid that was pretty much in charge of my care since my parents were busy most of the day. "Oh, he is!"

The beast-race maid appeared before my crib, looking down at me with a huge smile on her face. She was, and this was a guess, a dog, she had furry ears that were larger than most, which made it easier for her to hear when I got up, in addition to the ears, she had long light brown hair that reached her shoulders.

"Come here." She said, reaching down and picking me up out of the crib. "Your parents are looking for you, there is big news." Emma held me up against her chest as she carried me toward the door.

I was still so small; I hadn't even seen myself yet. I wanted to see my blue eyes, and how much they were like my mother's. I had the same-colored eyes as my other mother, brown, so for some reason I was happy about having blue eyes.

"How's the Prince?" Emma said, looking down at me with her brown eyes while she ran a finger across my chest, tickling me, making me feel good. "You are adorable as ever." She smiled down at me, then spoke some more. "The Queen will be happy that you are up, she's been dying to see you."

I saw my mother this morning when I woke up, I was hungry, and for some reason, well, never mind, I rather not think about that right now. The halls of the castle we were in were gold and white, paintings and other decorations lining the wall, and whenever we passed a maid, or people with collars on, they always bowed towards me with smiles.

Sadly, I learned that this world had slaves, I didn't know if the maids were considered to be one or not, but they didn't have collars on like some did. We passed the room that Emma usually takes me to when she wants to read me books, it was more of a bedroom, it had a large bed and she held me there while she read. My mother usually reads to me while I am in the crib, or on a chair inside of that room, not sure why Emma leaves, but it isn't a big deal.

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