The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 5

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(Haven't edited, just wanted to get it out there, still working on some things.)

The room grew silent as they walked through the people, and then as if the energy shifted, the man that made the announcement spoke again. "King Curtis of the Kingdom of Villena, and his Queen, Queen Sara." There was a brief pause, then he spoke some more. "The Queen is holding the prince, prince Liam of the Kingdom of Villena."

My father walked in first, then my mother followed with me in her arms. The Royal Guard members walked alongside us for protection, and as we hit the room, the people bowed their heads, the many, many people. I could see them all, but there were hundreds of them in this room, all bowing towards us.

I could see people looking up at me in my mother's arms with smiles on their faces, they truly were excited to see me. "They are all here for you, Liam." My mother whispered down to me as my father raised a hand, allowing everyone to stand up straight, then they started to clap for us.

This was crazy, the carpet we were walking on led to the front of the hall where the King and Queen of Eplica where, they sat on a throne to the left, the one on the right must have been for us. It looked like they were on equal grounds, which means we really do have a close relationship with them most likely.

We walked through all the people, and when we arrived at the thrones, my father stood in front of him, and my mother sat down with me in her arms in the smaller throne to the right of his. "Everyone, please, settle down." He shouted, and without hesitating, the people instantly dropped into silence. "Today is a very special day, we are here to celebrate the birth of my son, my first heir."

The people were silent as I laid in my mother's arms, she was sitting down with me, smiling at the people in the front row, which were about ten yards from us, but Jade and Ajax were in between us. The other Royal Guards were there as well, at least Odin and Astrid were, I think we had more, but I don't know where they are, or who they are.

"Prince Liam is now one month old, and I know if he could speak, he would be thanking you all for coming." My father went on, speaking to the hundreds of people here. "I am thankful that you are all here, and today is a day not to be formal, it is a celebration for my son, so please, relax, have a drink, and have fun." He lifted his hands in the air, speaking very calmly, yet with an authoritative voice, showing his power. "Please, I don't want to give a long speech, Liam will be up here for you all to meet, but let's just have a good time tonight everyone."

He waved his hands and the people started to bow once again, then went back to talking with one another. The people in the front row were forming lines, but it wasn't them who came up first, it was King Harold with his son and daughter he was holding Elizabeth, she was two years old, and had blonde hair, brown eyes like her parents, she was wearing a green and white dress. To his right was Oliver, he had messy brown hair, and brown eyes, wasn't that tall for his age, the two of them were smiling at me.

This girl could use magic, but how, she was so young, it didn't make any sense. "Curtis, my children wanted to meet your son, I hope it's okay if they come up there." Harold asked as my father sat down on his thrown.

"That's fine." My father said, motioning for him to come up closer. 

My mother leaned over a little with me in her arms, showing me to Oliver who was looking at me in awe. "He has blue eyes like you Queen Sara." Oliver spoke up as Harold placed Elizabeth down in front of us, she was about a yard from my face in my mother's arms.

"Baby Liam." Elizabeth said, smiling as she slowly stepped toward me, grabbing onto my mother's leg. "So cute." I looked up at my mother, she was merely smiling at the little girl before us.

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