The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 4

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(Haven't edited, just wanted to get it out there)

Two Weeks Later

It's the day of the celebration and it appears as if everyone is excited, well, besides me of course. I wasn't going to be able to do anything, I was going to be held the entire time, or put in a crate or something. I'm not complaining or anything, that's what babies would do, but I feel like a party should be thrown for a kid when they are old enough to enjoy it.

I've been napping for the last three hours with Emma; she had put me to sleep so that I could be awake for most of the celebration. We were on the bed she usually read to me in, and Emma was holding me, reading a book, a book I've never seen before. I don't think she knows that I am up yet.

"Awe." I made a baby noise, which is all I could really do, and I watched as Emma placed the book down beside me. 

"Oh, is the young prince up." Emma said, smiling down at me, rubbing my stomach. "It's almost time for the celebration to begin, I need to get you to the dressing room so we can change you into your outfit." 

Emma stood up carefully, and went toward the door, making her way into the hall. "How was your book?" Jade asked, looking at Emma and me as we entered the hallway. 

"Good." Emma said, giving her a smile. "It's about a girl and...." Emma trailed off as Jade was looking forward. "You don't really care, do you?" Jade shook her head no, a smirk on her face as we turned down another gold and white hallway.

There were people that I didn't recognize in front of doors with slaves I assumed, they had collars on. The people that didn't, had on nice clothing, they must be guests staying here for the night. I knew some of them were coming early, but I didn't really know who exactly, then again, I don't know a lot about this world and its people.

When they saw us coming, their eyes widened as they observed me in Emma's arms, knowing very well who I was. "Prince Liam." The men and women in the hall all bowed their heads as we walked through them.

"Prince Liam is pleased that you all have come to see him." Emma said, giving them a warm smile. "You'll all be able to see him later, during the celebration." They raised their heads as we got past them. 

"Well done." Jade told Emma with a smirk on her face. "You handled those nobles with excellency." They were nobles then, it made sense, the one was wearing a red and white robe, and the female beside him was wearing a long fancy red dress.

"Thanks." Emma responded, looking ahead. "I hate this part, nobles can be so rude sometimes." She looked down at me, then said. "I hope prince Liam will be a nice and warm young man when he grows up."

"That'll depend on you." Jade answered with a slight chuckle. "You are going to help raise him alongside his parents, same with me, I'll probably be training him with whatever powers he receives."

"If he receives powers." 

"Emma, he's the prince, a son to two mages, he'll have powers." Jade rubbed my foot as she got closer to Emma. "It'll all depends on what element he gets." I was hoping for like fire or water like my parents in this world, I think that'll be cool.

"Yeah." Emma responded as we stopped in front of a door, it was a room I've never been in before. "Queen Sara, I have the prince." Emma called out as she slowly opened the door, and before us was six maids, in the center was my mother.

"Great." My mother said, her appearance coming into view as we walked further into the room. "Give him to Kat, she's got his outfit ready for him." My mother looked beautiful; she was wearing a long light blue dress that had golden linings down it. The dress matched her eyes, and she looked like royalty. 

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