The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 19

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(I know the story might seem a little slow, but most stories are at the start, and I am trying to build a World. I am trying my best to add a little spice into each chapter, so I hope you all continue reading and follow me through this journey. I am also sorry for the delay, I had left for the weekend and didn't bring my computer.)

(Five Months Later)

For the past five months, I've been busy all day, almost every day. I literally have something going on at all times, and if I don't, I'm too tired to do anything else. I wouldn't say it was bad, because what I was doing was for the greater good, but it wasn't necessarily fun. I don't dislike spending time with anyone, it's just what I am doing.

I will say, training with Jade is the best, and I don't think that'll ever change. The magical training is the only one I actually enjoyed. I was able to manipulate mana and get better at conjuring spells, or spell in my case. I still only had that one, which didn't upset me, I was improving on it at a good pace.

That was normally in the middle of the day, and because Jade likes me, I usually can get her to stay in the training grounds with me for longer periods so that I don't have to go to my father's meetings. Emma doesn't like that, but she doesn't say anything about it to Jade, so that makes me happy.

Emma's training, the formal, Prince like training, that was, that was awful. I've learned the proper formalities on how to address certain people. How to eat properly when surrounded by certain people. I have to make sure that I make eye contact even if the other person isn't, I have to attempt, it asserts that I am the one in charge.

It all made sense, I was a Prince of a Kingdom, I had to act like it. I just wish it wasn't so complicated, there were so many things I had to remember, and it was annoying. I had to eat slowly, never fast. I had to keep a calm, yet open expression to myself.

I think the worst of them all was my posture. As a Prince, I get yelled at, well, told to correct my posture by my mother and by Emma, I have to make sure my back is straight. I need to make myself look like Royalty, sit like Royalty, and stand like one. My chin needed to be almost parallel with the floor, my head up, never looking down, unless at something. It absolutely, nope, I can't curse as a Prince, even though I don't think the word sucks is a curse word.

I understood, it was needed, it's just hours a day that I could be doing something else, but after five months, I've grown accustomed to all of it. I'm also adored by all, I am showered with love from Jade, Emma, my mother, everyone really, so it makes everything a lot easier.

The meetings with my father are actually informational. I have been learning a lot about this world. I wouldn't say I was picking up on any of his strategies, or how he thinks, I'm kind of just learning different things.

For example, I learned that Ragnar, a Royal Guard who travels and goes on missions, left the other day to go to a city called Villamore. It was located within our Kingdom, but there's supposedly a mage there that is killing younger men and women in alleyways. Ragnar was sent to either kill or catch him.

I also learned of a new Kingdom, there is one up north known as the Kingdom of Hailstone. Its King supposedly has ice magic beyond normal power, I would love to see him, see his power, see what he could do. The way my father spoke about him made it seem like even he wouldn't stand a chance.

Lastly, besides training with Jade with magic, I've begun training with a sword. Of course, I only use a wooden sword, I am not trusted with, nor can I lift a real sword quite yet. I don't do much, but still, it just makes my day even longer, swinging the sword a certain number of times to build up muscles.

I shouldn't complain though, I am happy to be here in this world. I've grown to love the people that have surrounded me since birth. I still miss everyone though, that'll never change, my mother, father, sister, and brother, even my friends.

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