The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 23

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(I hope you all enjoy!)

(Four Months Later)

I had turned four not so long ago, maybe a week or two, and I have to say, it's nice, being older, closer to the age I was in my past life. I could talk normally now, and nobody really questioned it, not that they ever did.

There really hasn't been much going on lately, nothing new, the Clash of the Kingdoms ended a while ago. The person who won was from some Kingdom I don't even know the name of, but supposedly he was a water mage. That's really all I know since I wasn't able to watch the thing, but that is fine, I really didn't need to watch mages killing each other.

I was currently in the living room with Emma and Annabeth, the two were in the playpen while I was reading some sort of book on mana. I was just trying to learn some more, but I kind of know everything within it already from Jade.

It was cute, listening to Emma and Anna, she was now close to two, it's hard to believe, but she was. It's funny, Anna has the same colored hair as our mother and me, blue eyes, it's like none of my father's genes were passed down.

She hasn't awakened, but I didn't think she would, she actually acts like a baby, words from my mother. She said that unlike me, Anna cries a lot more, and does more baby liked things. My sister was just so cute, she literally was with me almost all day, every day.

"Are you okay, Liam?" Emma asked, looking over the gate at me as I held the book in my hands. "Do you need anything? Maybe some water, some food?" I was hungry, but I wasn't going to ask her to get it for me, there were other maids, she was more of a caretaker.

"No, I'm fine." I told her, and as I did, she smiled and went back to playing with Anna. I looked over there for a second, it seemed like they were playing some sort of block game, something I really was never into.

I shrugged to myself and went back to my book, reading about mana, how to properly use it. I knew that the mana you have and can store is something that was decided at birth, it wasn't something you could fix. This was kind of stupid, you basically couldn't get stronger in a sense, I mean, you can, learn more spells, but how you'll be limited in a fight depending on your mana size.

Like for example, I was on the higher end, at least that's what I was told. Jade thinks that I could have a high mana storage since I am constantly using mana while we train, and it doesn't seem to run out. This was a good thing, it meant that I was going to be able to learn quite a lot and use everything I learn.

However, the mana storage wasn't the important thing, one thing Jade has taught me was that it wasn't how much mana you could manipulate, but how you use it in a fight. Someone with less mana could still defeat someone who had a lot of mana, it all depended on what they did during the fight, strategy was everything.

I can't say that I am exactly the best at coming up with strategies, but only time will tell. I was learning a lot, reading books on shadow mages, just listening to Jade, it wasn't something I really needed to worry about right now.

"Brother." Anna said, looking at me through a hole in the playpen, Emma was smiling to Anna's side. "Brother." She repeated in her baby voice, it was so cute, and at those words I could tell she wanted me to come over there.

I placed the book down in front of me and slowly got off the couch and made my way over to her. She was smiling brightly as I got closer and closer to her, and as I did, Emma opened the door for me so I didn't have to step over the gate, something I couldn't even do, so she had to do it.

"Hey, Anna." I said, sitting down beside Emma and her, joining them within the playpen. "What are you doing?" I asked, knowing she wasn't going to answer with words, but she would show me what she was playing with.

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