The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 17

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(Sorry, I said I was going to post a chapter every Friday and completely forgot. I had it done and everything. Hope you all enjoy this laid back chapter.)

(One Month Later)

Today was the day I was going to meet the Duke's daughter, the one named Olivia. She was about a month older than me, but I knew, with my past life, that I was a lot more mature than her. She was a baby, I was too, but she didn't have the mental age I did.

I was currently in the living room with both my parents, they were sitting on the couches while I was in the play pen, surrounded by these stupid toys and a gate that kept me from leaving. I could probably knock it down, but my parents would see it, and just put me right back in.

I didn't know what to expect really, I mean, she was a baby, so she wasn't going to speak as much as I can. She probably could a little, but not again, not like me. So, I have to imagine that our interactions are going to be purely staring at one another. I'm sure it's going to be a blast.

The Duke probably just wants his daughter to get close to me so that I develop some sort of feelings for her. I didn't even want to think like that, like come on. Why do I have to be engaged at thirteen and married by eighteen. I didn't want that, I never had a girlfriend before, so I don't want a wife so early.

I didn't care about this world's rules, I was a child, those types of things are not my problem, or shouldn't be. I know that I have to adapt to this world, but that, nope, I was going to need more than a year to process all that.

When it came to magic, over the past month, I was able to form a very, very small third hand made from shadows. Personally, I thought the spell was stupid, but Jade is always talking about how this is the beginning of finding my way into the magical world. How this spell is the steppingstone to getting stronger. 

I could barely hold that hand spell, but I could perform it to some extent, so I'll give myself some credit. I can't wait until I learn the more advanced spells, but I think I'm years away from that. Look how long it took me to learn this simple spell, and I haven't even mastered it. I can only conjure small hands, one singular one.

Whereas Jade, she can conjure at least five at once, I assumed she could probably do even more. I want to get to that point, again, years away, I think, who knows. I'm kind of awesome when it comes to magic so far. 

"Liam." My mother said my name from the couch, and as I snapped out of my thoughts, I could see that the Duke's family had arrived. "House Kluas is here." I could see the two girls, Zoey was back, she was smiling as she looked over at me, and in the hands of Lady Liane, was Olivia.

"Oh, look at him." Liane said, walking over to me. They must have already greeted one another, otherwise I think she would have gotten in trouble for not bowing. "He's adorable." The others followed her, and as she arrived at the playpen, she placed Olivia down in it within me. "Olivia, this is the Prince I was telling you about."

I just stared at the girl, what the hell was I supposed to say to another baby. Was I allowed to say anything? No, I could, that wouldn't make sense if I couldn't. I could speak, they knew I could.

Olivia was a blonde hair baby, of course, she didn't have a lot of hair on the top of her head, but there was plenty to see the color. Her eyes were brown, or hazel, I don't know if that's a thing, or what to call that color really. She was wearing a black and white dress.

"Hi." I said, looking the girl in the eyes as she faced me. I could feel the eyes staring at us from around this pen, my parents, her parents, Zoey, this is, this is so stupid. Olivia crawled closer to me, then stopped, I'd say about three feet from me.

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