The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 9

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(Five Months Later)

I was now six months old, and my control over my body was a lot better now. I couldn't really speak yet, I didn't know why, but I was crawling, which was something I enjoyed doing. It was only a matter of time until I could walk, I heard Emma and my mother speaking about how babies don't usually start crawling when I did, but they didn't know that I was reincarnated.

I knew that my ability to crawl at my age made my father very happy, same with my mother. They thought that I was going to be a prodigy like that one girl, I forget her name, let me think, oh, it was Elizabeth, the girl that they are going to try to get me to marry. I wasn't worrying about all that though at the time, I was six months old.

In the five months that passed, nothing really happened, but today my father was picking two more people to join the Royal Guards, there were currently six, the two that came back from missions were named Ragnar and Jon, they were both cool, I only met them briefly. However, after the attack within the castle, it was determined that we needed to have two more powerful mages within it. I agree with all that, I mean, if it protects my new family and me, it'll be worth it.

Oh, I also have been sensing these white particles around me, they come and go, and if I had to guess what they were, I would have to say that they were mana particles, the things that allow mages to use magic. I couldn't sense them all the time, but it was interesting to say the least, I was hoping that it all meant that I would become mage. The necklace on me was obviously helping, and now, it even fits me a little better than before.

At this current moment, I was in the living room with Emma, my parents were in the training grounds with the people trying to become Royal Guards. Emma was holding me in her lap, reading a story that was actually interesting, it was about the Clash of the Kingdoms, an event that takes place every ten years.

So far, I know that all ten Kingdoms are involved in it, and that Jade won it last, which means she was super strong, but we all knew that. We had just started reading it, so I don't know much, but it seems super interesting.

I was resting my head against Emma's chest, while she read the book, I was tired anyways from crawling and playing all day. It was probably around five o'clock, which means that my parents should be soon, I think, I really don't know how long the process of picking a new Royal Guard will take.

"The Clash of Kingdoms is a tradition that can never be broken." Emma read as I stared at the book, the words in it still made no sense to me really, but I was adapting to them fast from all the stories that I had read to me. "The Calypso, an ancient device found from the war between the gods picks fifty mages at random of any age throughout the Ten Kingdoms and teleports them to a different realm."

Huh? The Calypso device, a cool name, but I'm confused on how that all works, in the book, the picture it has of it looks more like a hammer faced down. It wasn't a good picture though, it was drawn, not an actual picture.

"The device will teleport a mage from wherever they are at, into this new realm, and in the realm the fifty mages fight till the death." Emma continued, and I just stared, they fight till the death, what the heck. "The winner claiming the right to be called one of the strongest mages in the world, that's why Jade is here, she won for our Kingdom."

I thought it was going to be some tournament where people fought one on one, whoever gives up losses, not whoever dies, jeez, that is a little scary to think about. I wander now, how many people did Jade kill, if she won, there's a chance she killed over forty people.

"It's the only event where the ten Kingdoms are all involved in something, there are wars and battles going on all around the world, but during this event, they all stop." Where we at war right now? I didn't even know; they hid all that stuff away from me so easily. "The realm they fight in is different each time, and they say that this is due to the device. It was created by one of the gods, they say Zephyr, the wind god, but it isn't confirmed, only a theory."

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