The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 11

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(One Month Later)

I was now ten months old; I think, it's hard keeping track of the days when you can't really read, talk, and walk around. It also didn't help that I was a baby, so they didn't talk about certain stuff when around me.

I know that after they found out about my ability to sense mana at my age, they decided to wait a little before introducing the mana crystals to me, which I was kind of disappointed about, but now, I saw why. Over the past month, Jade has been trying to help me develop a better sense for everything.

She knows that I am only a baby, so she has been very simple, speaking in terms that a normal one or two year old would understand. I think she assumed I didn't understand her, even though I did, but it makes sense, I wasn't even one.

Over this past month, all I have been hearing is how I was a prodigy, my father has already expressed how proud he was of me. I know he told a lot of people, even making an announcement to others, Jade was against all that, but my father was King, so he had the last say, not much she could do.

It made sense though, why she worried, who knows who might come for a child who is supposedly strong. I don't know much about the other Kingdoms, but I know that we aren't necessarily at peace with all of them. There could be some people who are interested in me, and making me part of their family or army, since I would be assumed to grow strong since I was developing at my age.

At this very moment, I was currently sitting in the training hall on Emma's lap, she was holding me as we waited. Jade was in the room as well, but she was standing, looking towards the door, today, was the day.

The day I've been waiting for, so, my father and mother did say they wanted to wait for me to use the elemental mana crystal, but today they were going to introduce them to me, that's why we are waiting here at the moment. My father and mother were meeting with someone, gathering the crystals, because even though they are King and Queen, obtaining all of them isn't easy. I don't even know if we have all of them now, but it didn't matter, today I wasn't using them, I was merely learning more about them.

I believe I was learning more about the gods, and how that all works, I still don't understand it, but I never had it explained to be properly. It is obvious that each element has a god, which makes sense, so it probably isn't that hard to understand, and I am sure I'll have plenty of time to wrap my mind around it.

Like I said before, they talk to me like a baby, which I am, so understanding things isn't that hard, sometimes it is even harder. I could feel Emma running hand over my head, my hair was slightly longer, I couldn't really feel her touching it, but I knew my hair was white like my mother's.

"Oh, here they come." Emma spoke right by my ear, and before us, walking into the training hall was my father, mother, Odin, Kain, and a couple soldiers, but those soldiers stopped by the entrance, same with Kain, probably to stand guard since this was a big deal in a way to some people. "Looks like the King has the crystals for you."

In my father's right hand, he held a brown bag, it seemed to have a lot of mana within it, obviously it was the elemental crystals. I could sense them even from here, they didn't seem that much different from the mana out here.

"My baby boy." My mother said, smiling as they stopped right in front of me. "Sorry, for the wait, the fire one came in moments ago." My mother stood there in her blue dress, looking down at me with a smile. "We still don't have them all, but for now, it's fine."

"Yeah, but we have a lot though." My father said, placing the bag down in front of me. "Let's get started." My father knelt down to a knee, going through the bag, my mother, the Queen, sat down beside the bag, and held her arms out towards Emma.

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