The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 12

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(I know I haven't posted in a while for this novel, but I figured I start it up again while I have time.)

(Two Months Later)

Today was a big day, I was turning one. It is hard to believe I was one, I've been here for a year now. I've been lucky, all I am surrounded by is love and affection, it was nice. I do miss everyone, there is no question about it, but everyone who has entered my life here has made it a lot easier to deal with.

I was in my parents' room, sitting in my mother's lap as she and my father spoke, planning the day out. There were no birthday parties, just celebrations, so it was a little different from my old world. However, they were basically the same things, throwing a celebration for my birthday was a birthday party, they just aren't calling them that.

This party wasn't going to be as big as the last, it was only going to be people from our Kingdom. It was also only going to be high ranking people, no gifts, just a celebration, people coming to see me. It was both weird and exciting, I felt differently than the last party, I was anxious and scared for that one, but now, knowing who I was, I don't feel scared like I did in the past.

"Curtis, we need to make sure that all of the Royal Guards are here today." My mother told my father, her hands were still wrapped around my body as we looked forward at my father slipping a fancy type of clothing over his shirt, I didn't know what it was called. "Call back Ragnar and Jon."

"I already did, dear." He said, smiling at her as he fixed his hair. "Ragnar should be arriving at any moment, and Jon will follow, they'll both be here soon." She nodded her head as he finished. "We should get going though, Liam has his training with Jade and Emma."

"Alright." My mother picked up quickly, and as she did, she spun me in the air, smiling up at me as she did. "How does my big boy feel? You are one year old now!" She exclaimed with joy as she pulled me in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Haha." I laughed as we started walking towards the doors, my training with Jade and Emma consisted of me absorbing mana, it was very boring, but I was told that I would be able to awaken faster if I did this.

"I'll see you later, Sara." My father called out as we exited the room.

As my mother and I entered the hallway and the door was about to close, she called back and spoke. "Love you." In the hallway stood Jade and Ajax, he was a lot better, fully healed, it was good seeing him. "Jade, would you mind taking him for his training?"

My mother held me out to the girl with purple hair and eyes. "Of course." Jade took me and held me against her chest, I was getting big, I could even walk now. "The big one year old, it feels like just yesterday when he was born."

"I know, it's hard to believe my baby boy is already one years old." My mother said, running a hand through my white hair, the small amount that was there. "Have fun today, Liam." She stopped rubbing my head, then turned down the hall. "I'm going to go and get ready to greet the people coming."

"Alright, my Queen." Jade said, then we went in different directions. "Hmm, how are you? Good? Bad?" She asked, looking at me. I could speak now, I could before, I practiced when I was alone, but for their sake, I tended to use small words, and short, short sentences while I spoke to them.

"Good." I said, smiling at her as I leaned against her chest still, looking up into her purple eyes. Jade just looked forward, smiling as she did. Emma was most likely at the training grounds, waiting for us. My parents took me from here when I woke up this morning, and I was just spending some time alone with them in their room.

"That's good to hear." Jade said, turning the corner, heading down a different hallway. "Maybe today will be the day, who knows?" She spoke out loud, somewhat talking to herself, but also to me. "That would be very cool, turning one, then awakening, don't you think, Liam?"

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