The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 21

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(I hope you all enjoy the story of Liam Carnell as it starts to progress a little. I didn't completely edit this yet, but I wanted to post it today since I said every Friday. Thank you for reading, I truly appreciate it.)

(Five Months Later)

I swung my sword upwards, cutting through a shadow hand coming for my face, then swung it to the side slowly, cutting through another, then brought it down and cut one in half, splitting it before it could grab me.

"Good!" Jade exclaimed as more hands came my way as we stood in the training hall. I was three years old and I was already able to do all of this, not something I'm entirely proud about, having to use a sword, but I am impressed with myself.

I swung the blade upwards, then to the side, cutting the shadow hands casted by Jade before they were able to reach and grab me. I felt one coming from behind me, so I spun somewhat slowly, brought my sword up and sliced it in half before it got to me.

"In front!" Jade shouted, and I spun back and cut a different one down, then all of the hands vanished, and Jade clapped. "Well done, truly, you are getting a lot better with the blade in the short amount of time you have practiced." She paused for a second, then added. "You just turned three and are already better than most six year olds."

"Thanks!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face, knowing that I shouldn't really be proud about being good with a sword, but I am, it was fun and made me happy when she told me things like that. "When will I learn to incorporate magic into my sword fighting?"

"Well, as we discussed, Liam, there are different ways mages go about fighting." She started walking my way. "You can use your magic without a weapon, shooting spells from afar, or you can add spells to your blade, it varies, so when you learn more and more spells, we'll determine what is the best path for you."

"Alright." I said, nodding my head. "So, there's really a chance I learn how to use a sword for no reason?" I could become strong with just magic; I would prefer that. I don't want to fight, I rather just have fun, but I know I'll have to.

"No, there is a reason, you may face a time where you can't use magic, so being able to defend yourself with a sword could save you." Jade told me, and I nodded, she had a point there. "You obviously still need to practice surrounding yourself with mana, but other than that, you are progressing very well."

"You are." Emma said, and as she walked over from the side of the room where she was standing, I could see the girl in her hands clapping for me. "And I think Anna thinks the same." I smiled as I looked at my sister, she was now five months old, it was crazy to think about. It feels like it was just yesterday that she was born.

"I know." I said as I stepped toward Emma, Jade was now right beside me as well. "Anna, you think you are going to become a mage like your brother?" I asked as Emma knelt down, and I ran a hand over my sister's hair, looking at her with a smile on my face.

"You were a special case, Liam, Anna may awaken early like you, but the odds are that she'll awaken at the normal age." Emma told me, holding Annabeth's hand. "But who knows, maybe she will, that would just be amazing."

"Crazy." Jade said, placing her hand on my head and messing up my hair. "Two mages below the age of three, that would just be absurd." I didn't know just how absurd that would be, but hey, it would be cool. I could train with her, well, maybe not, the odds are she isn't a shadow mage like me. 

"Let's get going, your mother wanted you two with her when Lady Helfena shows." Emma said, looking towards the door. "Liam, you need a bath, and a nice outfit." She paused for a second, then added. "I'll take Annabeth up, Jade, can you get him set up?"

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