19- tension

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The car came to a halt.

Dajuan exits then scar, both heading thru the gates and into the yard where the drugs and money gets passed around.

" dawg nuff food deh bout " scar told Dajuan as the pair head into the main room where the guns and most things are discussed.

Sitting around the table made Dajuan powerful.

12 men standing some Sitting await his next command and to give intell.

Having the police at the crime scene gave him more time to handle some stuff off coast and handle his papers to fly out for a while.

Spainsh Town was getting a bit hot meaning he'd Have to give the place a " breeze out" and return way down in the year and start fresh.

" big up di man dem fi last night , uno do di work as usual " he congratulated preparing them with sweet news then something bitter .

" now. As of todeh nobody doh run uno mouth about the establishment wi work or how things get handled " he told them sternly after hearing a few things thru the street vine about their base.

" means seh no man nuh fi tun pussy round yaso!" Scar barked standing next to Dajuan.

" mi alone in charge when di boss absent" he continued " nuh man nuh fi inform when certain tings nuh gwan yer dat " he added cause there was a whole lot needed to be adjusted.

" nuh wah hear seh no man nah get weh dem want or smaddy fuck up " he spoke glaring at someone in the far corner.

" handle the rest ago maths up a ting " he told scar getting up from the table stepping on the outside heading to the car.


" long time " Julie mumbled sitting in the front seat.

She had on a short dress , slippers and hair in a small bun.

" weh yuh wah talk about ?" He asked already getting to the point, he didn't plan to drive around all day knowing Zara was ill and at work.

" stop behave like wi new to dis, a regular things gwan " she flirt rubbing his dick hoping to atleast get more than a conversation.

" juli stop touch mhi , get to di point or come out " dajuan grumble fixing his eyes on her face.

" mi wah yuh fi breed mi tuh" she mumbled without a shame in the world.

Dajuan laughed covering his mouth almost choking cause this was the most crazy shit he'd hear all week.

" an bring who fah baby? Inna disgrace? Come out " he chuckled hearing the stupid reason behind her wanting his attention.

" what about Greg, u wanted to know things right ?" She begged already seeing her offer out the window why not ask for a bigger catch.

" I'll get information somewhere else , your forcing a fucking baby inna one situationship then get vex when mi leff?".

Dajuan looked at juli hoping this was a big ass prank and not real cause how the hell did she even see a pregnancy with someone as dangerous like him.

" just get out an gwan " he scoffs opening the door pushing her out and slammed it shut speeding down the road.

- Zara pov

" girl am tired " I whined collecting my last client money for the day about to clock out and call dajuan.

" mi just work 4 hair , right now bed a call mi " Kisha rolled her eyes sitting in the client chair.

Amira wasn't here today so simply it was me and Kisha plus a new girl that joined yesterday. I've done about 5 hairs while we managed to squeeze in a few of Amina regular and sort them out.

" I've been calling this dirty bowy " she scoffed probably having man problems which Clearly am not having no time soon.

I felt my phone buzz and checked the message seeing Lando text me to come outside.

" gwan home " I replied about to pocket the phone when he replied " please it important " I signed and grabbed my stuff telling Kisha to lock up heading in the passenger side.

Getting in the car . My eyes speculate over everything, the smell of vanilla and coconut filled the car fresh and exotic.

" I've been thinking about u, mi know things kinda fuck up " he starts off trying to make things more clear than before.

I scoffed.

" by doing what? Explain that to me cause clearly yah look dolly house " I told him , cause after all that shit and embarrassed moments am supposed to shut up and let him do this.

" am sorry" .

Typical word from a jamaican man when dem guilty .

" fi wah? Mek yuh whore disgrace me Lando?" I was surprised ND disappointed cause outta all that drama this was the most dumbest one.

" babes I love u and mi mean it Zara, I've never been this Honest " he began to say hoping to atleast soothe me over.

" I'll never let u or another man do mi shit like that " saying with my whole heart.

Done wasting time with guys who don't deserve me.

Stepping out the car , immediately dajuan drove up motioning for me to approach the car.

Gulping I knew he wasn't about to sweet talk me worse Lando pulled up after I told him work was over.

Sitting inside I didn't say a word. Keeping myself quiet hoping he doesn't bring it up or flip at me.

" suh yuh still a fuck him?" He spoke up turning down the music to a volume of 20%.

" no-

" doh lie to mi!?" He barked grabbing my throat roughly.

Rass mi wet up!!!.

" mhi nah lie , fuck do yuh " I groan rubbing my neck already knowing another mark will be there by later.

Driving through spainsh Town made me uneasy all this police and crime scene bodies and all was really disturbing.

Dajuan didn't even seem to bother at all, he kept driving thru the crowd making honking noise trying to get home immediately.

" da-

" block him. Delete di rass number or else mi dweet fi yuh " he ordered driving unto the high way getting home.

"Yuh no rass own mi" I chuckled cause when since my father turned into Dajuan he was slowly getting controlling.

He glanced at me seemingly something inside him snapped and he grabbed the phone .

" MI ALONE FI FUCK YUH ZARA, NUH ODDA MAN BUT MI . NUH MEK MI HEAD SCREW OFF BLOCK HIM " he barked throwing the iPhone in my lap waiting for me to do just as he asked.

Struggling to hold my tears , I pressed the block button and got the number deleted slowly sliding the phone in my bag.

" it's done" I mumbled starring out the window to hide my tears, feeling like some local gyal.

Guess I was a bit soft, not even talking back as such and kept my mouth shut regretted every word spoken.

Why am I feeling like this ?

Am I pregnant?

Or I ate something that surely did something to my insides ?

I question myself as we drove into kingston heading to the house.

~𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐚 | completed Where stories live. Discover now