The Confrontation

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  • Dedicated to My Mom (LorLor)

Chapter 2 - Confrontation

I was in my Father's study with Stefan and Father.

"Isabella, be a dear and go fetch your brother," Father said to me.

"Yes, Father," I said and got up from where I was sitting. I rushed out of the room, picking up my skirt so I would not fall. When I was about to knock on Damon's door, my brother opened it. It was as if he was expecting me. "Father wishes to speak with you," was all I said. He nodded started to walk in the direction of Father's study. I followed him.



"What do you mean, your not going back?" Giuseppe was usually a fair man, but he has a temper, and his elder son brought out the violence in him.

Just now that son was dabbing at his lips with a saffron-colored silk handkerchief. "I would have though even you could understand such a simple sentence, Father. Shall I repeat it in Latin for you?"

"Damon-" I began tightly, appalled at this disrespect. But our Father interrupted.

"You are telling me that I, Giuseppe, Conte di Salvatore, will have to face my friends knowing that my son is a scioparto? A ne'er-do-well? An idler who makes no useful contribution to Florence?" Servants were edging away as Giuseppe worked himself into rage, but you could hear someone giggling. I looked up to see my little sister there. Bella. She was sitting on a sofa with a book in her hands, but she was watching us and giggling softly.

I loved Bella. She was practically everything to me. My brother and I raised her after mother died. I haven't spent a lot of time with her lately.

I looked back at my brother and Father.

Damon did not even blink. "Apparently. If you can call those who fawn on you in the hopes you will lend them money your friends."

"Sporco parassito!" cried Giuseppe, rising from his chair next to Bella. "Is it not bad enough that when you are at school you waste your time and my money? Oh, yes, I know all about the gambling, the jousting, the women," I heard someone gasp, "And I know that if it were not for your secretary and your tutors you would be failing every course. But now you mean to disgrace me utterly. And why? Why?" His large hand whipped up to grasp Damon's chin. "So that you may return to your hunting and hawking?"

I had to give my brother credit; He did not wince. He stood, almost lounging in our father's grip, every inch of the aristocrat, from the elegantly plain cap on his dark head to his ermine-trimmed cloak to his soft leather shoes. Hid upper lip was curved in a line of pure arrogance.

So that is where Bella gets it.

You've gone too far this time, I thought, watching the two men whose eyes were locked together. Even you won't be able to charm your way out of this.

But just then there was a light step in the study door way. Turning, I was dazzled by eyes the color of lapis lazuli, framed with long golden lashed. It was Katherine. Her father, Baron Pierce, had brought her from the cold lands of German princes to the Italian countryside, hoping it would help her recover from a prolonged illness. And since the day she had arrived, everything had changed.

"I beg your pardon. I did not mean to intrude." Her voice was soft and clear. She made a slight motion as if to leave. I hoped she wouldn't go.

Bella was only allowed in here because she was blood related. Otherwise Father would never have lost his temper in front of a woman.

"No, don't go. Stay." I said quickly. I wanted to say more, to catch her hand- but I didn't dare. Not with Father was here. All I could do was gaze into those jewel-like blue eyes that were raised to mine.

"Yes stay," Giuseppe said, and I saw that Father's thunderous expression has lightened and that he had released Damon. He stepped forward, straightening the heavy folds of his long fur-trimmed gown. "Your father should be returning from his business in the city, and he will be delighted to see you. But your cheeks are pale, little Katherine. You are not ill again, I hope?"

"You know I am always pale, sir. I do not rouge like your bold Italian girls."

"You don't need it." I said before I could stop myself, and Katherine smiled at me. She was so beautiful. An ache began in my chest.

Father continued, "And I see all too little of you during the day. You seldom give us pleasure of your company until twilight."

"I have my studies and devotions in my own room sir," she said quietly , her lashes dropping. I knew this was not true, but said nothing; I would never betray Katherine's secrets. She looked up at his father again. "But I am here now, sir"

"Yes, yes , that is true. And I must see that tonight we have a very special meal for your father's return. Damon…we will speak later." As he motioned to a servant and strode out, I turned to Katherine in delight. It was seldom we could speak together without the presence of Father or Gudren, her stolid German maid.

But what I saw then was like a blow to the stomach. She was smiling the little-secret smile that she had often shared with me. But she was not looking at me. She was looking at Damon.

There was giggling in the back. Bella thought this was funny? Watching her father yell at her oldest brother? Then having her other brother's dream girl like her other brother?

But right now I hated my brother, I hated his dark beauty and grace and the sensuality that drew women to him like moths to a flame. I wanted, in that instant, to strike Damon, to smash that beauty to pieces. But I wouldn't do that to Bella, I wouldn't make her go through losing another family member. Instead I had to stand and watch as Katherine moved slowly toward my brother, step by step, her golden brocade gown whispering on the tiled floor

And even as I watched, Damon held out a hand to Katherine, and smiled the cruel smile of triumph.



I watched as father yelled at Damon. I found it funny because Damon wasn't affected at all, and I ended up giggling. That is until I found out what he was doing at collage.

He's smarter than that, and way smarter than father is.

I ended up giggling again when father softened towards Katherine. Then at Stefan for getting jealous that Katherine was there with Damon.

That's when I realized something. Damon would change. He could possibly choose a girl over his sister, and it hurt. I love him with all my heart, but if he picked that girl I would be very angry.

Things are changing, ever sense Katherine arrived. Both of my beloved brothers have changed. I hope I haven't messed things up too bad.


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